Food rich in zinc and its importance for a healthy body


If you are looking for foods rich in zinc to make up for its deficiency in your body from natural sources instead of resorting to medicines, the next lines of interest where I will show you the most important foods rich in it as well as its importance for the health of the body.

Zinc-rich foods

To ensure your health, you should include some zinc-rich foods in your diet.:

1. Dairy products

Dairy products such as cheese and milk have a range of nutritional values necessary for the health of the body because they contain protein, calcium, and zinc minerals that are effectively absorbed by the body unlike zinc found in plant products.

2. Vegetables

Some vegetables contain zinc, including potatoes, turnips and green beans, thus providing the body with its daily need of this mineral, and these vegetables contain nutrients that reduce the chances of heart disease and any chronic disease.

3. Meat

Meat is an important source of zinc, especially red meat, where each 100 grams of minced meat on 4.8 mg of zinc, equivalent to 43% share of the supposed ingested daily of zinc, also containing meat, other elements important for the health of the body, most notably the group of vitamin B, iron and protein.

4. Legumes

Legumes contain zinc and the proof is that 100 grams of cooked lentils contain 12% of the body’s daily ration of zinc, and legumes contain phytate, which deepens the process of absorption of zinc by the body, and therefore will not be used much, which confirms that plant sources rich in zinc are less absorbed compared to animal sources.

5. Nuts

Nuts contain a large amount of zinc, most notably “cashews” where 28 grams of it contains 14 percent of the body’s daily ration of zinc, nuts contain healthy fats and dietary fiber beneficial to the health of the body, and are considered snacks that reduce heart disease, cancer and diabetes.

6. Eggs

Eggs contain a moderate amount of zinc, especially since a large egg contains 5 percent of the body’s daily share of zinc, and contains healthy fats, protein, choline, selenium and vitamin B.

7. Dark chocolate

100 grams of dark chocolate contains 3.3 mg of zinc, but this amount contains 600 calories, in addition to containing antioxidants that strengthen immunity.

The importance of zinc for the human body

It plays an active role in the action of 200 or more enzymes.

Very important for the production of nucleic acids and proteins.

Helps in the consumption of carbohydrates with the help of the hormone insulin.

Adjust the growth of the body and the development of the genitals and help heal wounds and burns.

It has a soothing effect and therefore enters into the composition of ointments and creams that treat skin problems.

Maintains immune system strengthening and repair any damaged cells in the body.

The daily ration of zinc are as follows:

Women: 8 mg per day.

Men: 11mg per day.

Pregnant: 11 mg per day.

Lactating women: 12 mg per day.

I wish I had offered you the most prominent foods rich in zinc and its importance to the body.

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