Food and hormones prevent hair loss

When a woman’s hair falls out, she panics and rushes to a dermatologist to complain to him about this horrific phenomenon and expresses her fear of baldness.

It is known that men suffer from baldness more than women, and hair loss in men can begin at the age of twenty. As for hair loss in women, it occurs significantly when they are on the cusp of menopause or during this time period of their lives, but the condition in general does not reach the extent of infection. completely bald.

Experts say that hair growth goes through three stages:

A- The stage of stability and stability, the stage of growth, then the stage of contraction “or regression change” by virtue of advancing age. Although some women take biotin as a hair vitamin, its benefit is limited and the hair does not restore its previous density.

It has been observed that hormones, the psychological state of women, and food are influencing factors with regard to hair growth and density, and any negligence with regard to these factors leads to hair loss and hair loss occurs from any part of the scalp, especially from the frontal part above the temples and sideburns, and this is what happens after two or three months of injury Women or men experience tension or psychological stress, and this is the reason why some people ignore the relationship between stress and nervous tension on the one hand, and hair loss on the other hand.

Among the causes of hair loss are also cases of food poisoning or the presence of a percentage of mercury in food. This last case can be detected by measuring the percentage of cortisol in saliva.

A person should realize that hair can return to its natural state of growth if he can get rid of the stress that caused it to fall out, and eating healthy food helps to achieve this goal, and eating nutritional supplements and extracts of some medicinal herbs after consulting a doctor and conducting the necessary examination helps the body in Detox.

It was also observed that a deficiency of the thyroid hormone causes hair loss, and it is known that the state of slow metabolism “metabolism” usually leads to this loss, in addition to weight gain, a feeling of cold, constipation, brittle nails, fatigue and exhaustion for the least effort.

Experts say: The decline in the level of thyroid hormones is often due to malnutrition, immune system disorders, infection, and taking many medications to treat other diseases. Just providing energy and calories to do muscular and physical activity.

This means that the food that a person eats should contain vitamins, carbohydrates, proteins, mineral salts, fiber, and healthy oils such as “omega-3” and others, and conducting a medical examination from time to time helps a lot in treating hair loss.

It also turned out that hair loss – in men in particular – could be a result of an increase in the testosterone hormone in the middle of the scalp, which is called “DHT”.

Before or after menopause, women can take additional doses of the progesterone hormone when they are in their thirties or forties, and it is known that progesterone resists the effect of androgens, which causes hair loss. In this way, hair can be fixed on the scalp for longer periods, and this is for the benefit of women, their comfort, beauty, and morale.

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