Find the cause of your disturbing nightmares and treat it

Find the cause of your disturbing nightmares and treat it


No one likes to be deprived of sleep, especially if they are tired or preparing for an important job interview the next day. But what causes insomnia? Worse than that are disturbing dreams or nightmares that may deprive you of sleep.


Although children are more susceptible to nightmares and disturbing dreams, many adults suffer from disturbing dreams and frightening nightmares as well. What are the reasons?


1. Anxiety and stress


Anxiety and stress due to unfortunate events in life often cause nightmares and disturbing dreams. According to the International Association for the Study of Dreams, undergoing serious surgery, suffering from a chronic illness, grieving the death or loss of a loved one, or witnessing disturbing scenes can trigger nightmares. This condition is often known as post-traumatic stress disorder, which is a common cause of recurring nightmares.


Stress at work or school can also cause nightmares.


2. Spicy foods


What we eat and when we eat it can affect our vulnerability to nightmares and bad dreams. According to a small study published in the International Journal of Physiological Psychology, a group of participants were asked to eat a spicy meal on certain nights and to compare the quality of their sleep on nights when they abstained from eating spicy foods. They noticed that the nights they ate a hot dinner were uncomfortable and they were unable to sleep comfortably. Experts justify this by saying that hot spices increase body temperature and thus affect sleep quality. This may be a reason for people suffering from disturbing dreams after eating these foods before bed. Eating shortly before bedtime can cause an increase in metabolism and brain activity, which causes disturbing nightmares.


3. Fatty and greasy foods


Although this has not been definitively proven, some research has indicated that eating foods rich in fat during the day can affect the quality of sleep during the night. A small study published in 2007 in Psychological Reports found that the dreams of people who ate a high amount of organic food differed from those who ate “fast food.” Experts believe that some foods may negatively affect the nature of dreams.


4. Alcohol


Although alcohol is a depressant and causes drowsiness, it is drowsiness for a short period, and once the effect wears off, the exact opposite happens and the person becomes alert. Excessive alcohol consumption can cause nightmares and poor sleep, and nightmares are also common symptoms of alcohol withdrawal from the body.


5. Drugs


Some medications, including antidepressants, barbiturates, and narcotics, can cause nightmares as a side effect. For example, in a 2008 study published in the journal Psychopharmacology, it was shown that ketamine, a drug used in anesthesia and as a narcotic, can cause disturbing dreams and nightmares. Likewise, anyone who has traveled to a country where malaria is endemic and taken the treatment  Lariam must have had some dramatic nightmares. Nightmares often stop once you stop taking the medication.


6. Illness


Illnesses that include fever, such as influenza, can often trigger nightmares. Other sleep disorders, including apnea, narcolepsy, and snoring, can increase the incidence of disturbing dreams and nightmares.


But if you suffer from nightmares and do not know what the cause is, it is best to consult a doctor to find out the reason

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