Enjoy white skin free of pigmentation and the secret of this mask

Many girls are looking for natural ways to whiten the face quickly, as there are many methods such as turmeric, starch, rice and many other natural recipes, but the recipe for cream and turmeric is one of the most effective recipes for whitening the face, which is the recipe for the bomb in whitening, quickly and without any damage, as it is composed of Natural materials that have no effect on the skin, and the body can be whitened with the same recipe.


You will need one small spoonful of turmeric powder, half a small spoonful of starch powder, one large spoonful of rose water, one small spoonful of aloe vera gel, one small spoonful of coconut oil, then we prepare a suitable dish and put One teaspoon of turmeric powder.

Then put half a small spoonful of starch powder and one large spoonful of rose water, then add one small spoonful of aloe vera gel and one small spoonful of coconut oil, and stir all the ingredients together in a good way and put this mixture On the skin, leave it for about fifteen minutes, and then wash it off using cold water

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