Drinks that should not be drunk during the diet period

Drinks that should not be drunk during the diet period. Following a diet does not only depend on choosing a healthy diet and eating it on a daily basis to lose excess weight, but also requires abstaining from a number of drinks and foods that add a lot of calories to the body. Here are some drinks that you should not drink during the diet to get better results.


Drinks that should not be drunk during the diet period.

Coffee with multiple flavors


A cup of mocha coffee can have around 300 calories, and a cup of vanilla latte close to 200, but if you prefer a mocha or a latte, you’ll need to: You can make a few changes to keep the calories in check. Most cafes offer a sugar-free drink, or you can order your own with skim milk, being careful not to have whipped cream.




Drinking diet sodas can cut back on calories, but research is mixed on whether making the switch helps you lose weight. Simply sticking to diet soda may not do you any good.


Energy Drinks


The main ingredient in energy drinks is caffeine, but they usually contain other things like vitamins, herbal supplements, creatine, and sugar. So you should check the label carefully and look for those drinks that do not contain added sugar.


fruit juice


Juice can have as many calories as soda, but it contains more nutrients. And because you want the benefit of vitamins and antioxidants without all the extra sugar, go for 100% fruit juice, steer clear of juice drinks with sweeteners, and check the nutrition label for real juice. You can also cut calories by drinking water with a little juice or sliced ​​fruit.




iced tea


Iced tea has a lot of added sugar, as does soda, and when you buy iced tea at the store, it’s often packaged in 20-ounce cans for single use; making it easy to cut 175 calories and 11 teaspoons of sugar per cup; So if you are buying tea to take home, read labels carefully and buy ready-made tea that has no sweeteners at all and therefore no calories.

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