
Do you want to get long and thick eyelashes?!  

Do you want to get long and thick eyelashes?!  

Do you want to get long and thick eyelashes?!




There is no doubt that most girls tend to be beautiful in all circumstances, especially their eyelashes, as most girls love long and thick eyelashes, and today we review with you simple and practical ways to lengthen eyelashes, and most of their ingredients are available at home, here are the best 3 ways to get long and thick eyelashes:


• Castor oil to lengthen eyelashes:

It is recommended to use castor oil to lengthen and intensify the volume of eyelashes, castor oil has a magical and quick effect, and in order to get faster results in lengthening eyelashes, put a little castor oil on the eyelashes twice a day with the use of an eyelash brush to comb the eyelashes and put a thick layer of it on the eyelashes before going to sleep to nourish them throughout the night .


• Almond oil for shine and luster of eyelashes:

The use of sweet almond oil adds luster and luster to the eyelashes and also works to lengthen and intensify the eyelashes, so make sure to put it on your eyelashes daily two or three times and you can put it before the mascara to protect the eyelashes.


• Onions to lengthen eyelashes:

Onions are very useful for lengthening and thickening eyelashes, as you can boil an onion in a cup of olive oil, and the mixture is used two or three times a day, but carefully and completely away from the eye area so as not to harm it.


Use these oils now on your eyelashes and you will notice for yourself the difference in the nature, density, and beauty of the eyelashes

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