We talked before about the benefits of intermittent fasting , but what are the harms of intermittent fasting? Does it have any side effects? There is no doubt that intermittent fasting has many health benefits, which include losing weight, preventing diabetes, reducing the risk of cancer and many other health benefits, but there are many side effects in intermittent fasting  and many precautions as well, which we will explain to you in this article. .

Disadvantages of intermittent fasting

1- Feeling hungry:

Intermittent fasting damages the sense of hunger. When a person gets used to eating five to six times a day, the body expects to eat at certain times. The hormone ghrelin is responsible for feeling hungry, and it is usually secreted at the times of breakfast, lunch and dinner and is partly regulated by eating food, when you first start fasting, ghrelin levels will continue to rise and you will feel hungry, and it may require willpower and you may feel in the first of three Five days are the worst, but there will come a time and you will get used to and not feel hungry.

And you can combat the feeling of hunger in the first week by consuming large amounts of water to keep your stomach full and reduce the feeling of hunger and desire to eat.

2- The effects of intermittent fasting on feeling tired and having fog on the brain:

At the beginning of the intermittent fasting system, you may feel tired and exhausted and that there is confusion in your brain and you do not have the ability to focus, especially if you did not eat a healthy breakfast, so you should pay attention to consuming a breakfast rich in nutrients to avoid feeling tired and exhausted and to increase your ability to focus.

3- An obsession with thinking about food:

A restricted diet can affect a person’s relationship with food, as some people may focus on the quantity and quality of food, which may lead to a type of eating disorder called orthorexia (obsession with healthy eating). Nor should this be the goal of any diet.

4- The effects of intermittent fasting on low blood sugar levels:

Intermittent fasting may cause permanent nausea, dizziness and headache, which are signs of low blood sugar levels. Therefore, diabetics should avoid following any diet based on fasting to avoid low blood sugar levels, because it leads to serious complications.

5- Hair loss is one of the most important harms of intermittent fasting:

Sudden weight loss or lack of proper nutrients, especially proteins and B vitamins, can cause hair loss and weakness. If you suffer from hair loss after following the intermittent fasting system, it is best to make sure that the meals you eat are healthy and rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals necessary to maintain the health and strength of hair, and if your condition does not improve, you must change this diet.

6- Changes in the menstrual cycle in women:

One of the common side effects of sudden weight loss is the occurrence of changes in their menstrual cycle or its cessation completely, as the sudden weight loss leads to the disruption of hormones in women. If you follow intermittent fasting and your period stops, you must stop this diet and talk to a gynecologist to find out the defect and receive the appropriate treatment.

7- Intermittent fasting and constipation:

Disadvantages of intermittent fasting

Intermittent fasting may cause an upset stomach, especially if you do not get enough fluids, vitamins, protein or dietary fiber, so it is important to stay hydrated throughout the day.

  • You should not forget to drink water during fasting hours because staying for 16 hours without getting enough fluids is dangerous to health.
  • Therefore, if you start to follow the intermittent fasting system and your bowel movement stops, you must stop this system immediately and consult a doctor or nutritionist.

8- Intermittent fasting is an unhealthy diet.

Some people may follow unhealthy eating habits in addition to not getting the appropriate nutrients, it is better to choose nutritious choices during fasting hours to avoid the body’s lack of nutrients important for health and body functions.

9- Sleep disturbances are the most prominent harms of intermittent fasting:

Many people may notice an improvement in their sleep pattern while following the intermittent fasting system, due to not eating snacks late in bed, which makes sleep more stable and deeper because the stomach is empty.

Some people may suffer from their inability to sleep, as their fasting hours may not be distributed correctly, so if you feel unable to sleep properly, you must stop this diet and consult a doctor so as not to harm your health.

10. Changes in mood

Intermittent fasting may cause some mood changes, especially when you feel excessive commitment to this diet.

If you feel anxious or frustrated after following the intermittent fasting system, it is necessary to stop and consult a nutritionist or psychologist, as they have the ability to help you create an appropriate fasting schedule for you that suits your mind and body.

If you intend to follow the intermittent fasting system, you must be fully aware of all its side effects and the precautions to follow so as not to suffer any serious health complications.