Difference between Vitamin D2 and D3

Vitamin D, dubbed the “sunshine vitamin,” is among the few nutrients that have received national attention and research funding in the past 10 years. Studies continue to show its efficacy for promoting normal blood sugar, immune health, and Positive mood Adequate vitamin D intake may be a problem for some people around the world, as nearly half of the world’s population is deficient in this vitamin Sales of vitamin D supplements have skyrocketed thanks to increased media coverage of this miraculous nutrient. This, the vitamin D options available are confusing to many, as there are two forms of vitamin D, namely vitamin D2 and vitamin D3, and confusion between the two is very common, so let’s take a look at the difference between each of these two forms of vitamin D.

Vitamin D2:

Vitamin D2, also known as ergocalciferol, is found in some plants such as mushrooms, by the plant’s response to sunlight. It is also found in some fortified foods and processed by irradiation as an inexpensive way to increase nutrient intake. It is also found in dairy-free milk, such as soy milk, coconut milk, etc.

Vitamin D3:
Known as cholecalciferol, this vitamin is the most biologically active form of vitamin D found in humans and animals. When the skin is exposed to sunlight, it converts cholesterol into the active form of vitamin D3. This form is involved in many biological processes and is crucial for promoting calcium absorption into the bones. And the discovery of vitamin D3 came through the efforts of scientists to discover which component in cod liver oil is responsible for its effectiveness against rickets. Cod liver oil contains huge amounts of vitamin D3, and it was a common supplement given to children before the twentieth century to protect against osteoporosis.

Which is more effective: Vitamin D2 or D3?
Most of the studies that compare, and still continue to compare, the effects of these two forms of vitamin D, all confirm that vitamin D3 is the best for the human body. Research over the past ten years has confirmed that vitamin D3 is more absorbable and more effective than vitamin D2.

Studies have also shown that vitamin D3 increases its effectiveness by at least 300% compared to vitamin D2, as the body cannot convert vitamin D2 into an active form as efficiently as vitamin D3, and vitamin D2 is broken down more quickly than vitamin D3. And more than 50 studies on vitamin D showed that vitamin D3 provides a significant decrease in the overall death rate, which exceeds the role of vitamin D2 in reducing the death rate significantly. Vitamin D3 supplementation has also been shown to maintain the level of vitamin D in the blood over the long term, especially in the winter months when sunlight is scarce.

The best way to get vitamin D:
Exposing your skin to sunlight every day can provide you with an indirect source of vitamin D. Sunlight itself does not contain the vitamin, but it does enhance the synthesis of the vitamin within your body. Exposure to healthy sunlight is the most ideal and natural way to ensure you are getting the right levels of Vitamin D.

The importance of vitamin D:

1. Helps absorb calcium and strengthen bones.
2. Maintains the functioning of the nervous system.
3. Reducing the risk of heart disease, including heart attacks and strokes.
4. Prevents the growth of cancer cells such as colon cancer or prostate cancer and others.
5. Reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s and depression and promotes brain health.
6. It enhances the functions of the immune system, thus resisting many diseases.
7. It prevents osteoporosis.

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