8 amazing health benefits of pomegranate juice

Pomegranate has many health benefits, it contains three times more antioxidants than green tea or red grapes, and it is rich in compounds and vitamins that make it a healthy food to prevent many diseases.



Pomegranate contains a lot of vitamins necessary for the body such as А, В1, В2, В3, В5, В6, Е, С and mineral elements such as potassium, iron, selenium, manganese, etc., and its importance is increased by its containment of antioxidants and polyphenols that are anti-inflammatory and cancer-stimulating and strengthen the immune system of the body. .


So drinking delicious pomegranate juice has a lot of health benefits. According to a new report published by the specialized medical website “onlymyhealth”.


8 amazing health benefits of pomegranate juice


1. Lose weight


Pomegranate juice helps lose weight because it contains polyphenols and antioxidants, all of which help you increase metabolism and burn fat.


2. It aids in digestion


Pomegranate juice can help promote digestive health and treat digestive issues, such as inflammatory bowel disease. The compounds in pomegranate may stimulate good gut bacteria and reduce gastrointestinal irritation. The fiber present provides probiotics and helps prevent some digestive health issues.


3. Anti-cancer


According to the National Institutes of Health (NIH), pomegranate may help prevent or treat prostate cancer.


According to several test tube researches, pomegranate juice contains chemicals that can help kill cancer cells or slow their growth in the body.


4. Cardiovascular


Consuming pomegranate juice helps improve cardiovascular health and prevent the risk of health conditions such as stroke and heart attack. Pomegranate extract contains compounds that may lower blood pressure, reduce arterial inflammation, improve heart-related chest pain, and prevent the development of plaque that can lead to heart attacks and strokes.


5. Antioxidants


Pomegranate juice showed three times more antioxidant activity compared to green tea, and it is a powerful antioxidant because it contains polyphenols that help prevent the body from free radical damage.


6. Arthritis


Pomegranate juice helps manage arthritis and support joint health due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Pomegranate components can inhibit the enzymes that cause osteoarthritis and slow down the deterioration of cartilage.


7. Skin protection


Your skin is exposed to harmful compounds, pollution and harmful UV rays from the sun. Consuming pomegranate juice can help protect your skin from UV rays as it helps prevent the production of toxic compounds in the skin.


8. Promotes urinary system health


Pomegranate juice can help improve the health of the urinary system and prevent kidney stones. According to human tests and studies, pomegranate extract may help prevent kidney stones due to its antioxidant activity.