Coffee helps… memory

Coffee helps… memory


Scientists and researchers differ about the benefits and harms of coffee, but a new study found that the caffeine present in it benefits memory, and its benefits are not limited to just raising the level of alertness.
The American website (HealthDay News) reported that researchers from Johns Hopkins University studied the effect of caffeine on memory, without taking into account other factors that enhance brain capabilities, and found that this substance enhances some memories for approximately 24 hours after drinking coffee.
The study’s lead author, Michael Yassa, said, “The discovery of an effect of caffeine on making people’s memories less forgettable and more persistent is something new.”
The study included 100 people who do not drink a lot of coffee, tea, or cola drinks, which are rich in caffeine. They were asked to look at hundreds of daily pictures on a computer screen, such as pictures of shoes, chairs, etc. After 5 minutes, half of them were asked to drink 200 milligrams of caffeine.
After 24 hours, everyone saw the pictures again, and it became clear that the group that had consumed caffeine was more able than the others to distinguish the pictures and know whether they were what they had seen before or not.
It turns out that at least 200 milligrams of caffeine was necessary to increase memory.
Yassa said that caffeine may help preserve memories for a longer period and with greater accuracy, noting that more studies must be conducted to determine the reason.

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