Massaging this oil for 5 minutes gets rid of excess hair

  There are a large number of women who suffer from the problem of excessive hair in different areas of the body. You can try massaging this oil for 5 minutes to get rid of excess hair. Because this problem greatly affects self-confidence and aesthetic image, and excessive hair growth can result from irregular menstruation, hormonal …

Champissage: Indian scalp massage.

In terms of therapeutic massage, there is what is called champissage. This practice, which came straight from India, is still little known, but already very popular with followers. The definition of champissage Champissage, also known as Indian skull massage, is an Indian tradition intended for therapeutic purposes. Pressure is exerted on important points of the skull over …

Recipes for making eyeliner and mascara at home

Have you ever thought about preparing home cosmetics such as foundation cream, concealer, moisturizing and also natural eye makeup products? In this article, we will show you how to prepare kohl and mascara at home, especially when you suffer from various skin problems such as dry skin, pale skin when no makeup is applied to it, …