Suffering from oily eyelids? Here are 5 effective solutions

Oily eyelids, an annoying problem during the winter, turn into a terrible nightmare during the summer. Since the eyelids are the most delicate and sensitive area of ​​facial skin, you cannot resort to any of the medical treatments without a doctor’s prescription. However, there are some natural ingredients that help you get rid of this …

HIFU: Tighten the skin of the face and neck in just one hour

“Ultra Sound” to tighten the area under the face and neck and define the jaws Dr. Roy explains that the uses of the “Ultra Sound” or “HIFU” ultrasound technology were medical in the field of human body imaging; It was used to detect the fetus during pregnancy and imaging blood vessels and others. But after …

How do you take care of your skin after botox and fillers?

Description: Botox is an injectable neurotoxin that temporarily reduces the appearance of wrinkles and expression lines. How it works: It blocks nerve activity and paralyzes the muscles. Once the muscles are no longer able to contract, wrinkles and lines in a localized area relax. Post-treatment care: You can resume your routine very quickly, but there are …

eczema treatment

Identifying the factors causing the condition and avoiding them, as the patient notices a relationship between the appearance of the condition and wearing some clothes, using some cosmetics or perfumes, or eating certain types of food or medicines, or after exposure to the sun, etc., and these reasons must be avoided to treat the condition …