Care Mask with Milk Powder that Lightens Skin Color and Moisturizes the Skin

Care Mask with Milk Powder that Lightens Skin Color and Moisturizes the Skin






1 Teaspoon of Milk Powder


1 dessertspoon of honey


1 dessertspoon of almonds


Preparation and application:


Beat the almonds in a mortar to grind them into powder.


Take the crushed almonds in a bowl and add the other ingredients to it and mix well.


Apply the mixture to your skin by massaging it with your fingertips.


Wait 20 minutes.


Wash your face with plenty of cold water.


Dry with a towel.




Those who want to lighten their skin color should apply this mask 2-3 times a week at regular intervals.


There are many kinds of vitamins, minerals and fatty acids in the materials used in the mask. These products provide many benefits on the skin. For this reason, it is up to us to benefit from the miraculous effects of natural products.


The honey used in the mask will contribute to the regeneration of the cells in your skin. At the same time, it will soften the skin and moisturize it.


If you do not have milk powder at home, you can do the same with milk. However, the important factor here is; It is to ensure that the mask becomes a paste. Add milk in a controlled manner.


We recommend you to try this mask, which shows itself in the first application.

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