Blackhead Remover Mask for Oily and Combination Skin

Blackhead Remover Mask for Oily and Combination Skin





1 Egg


1 Cucumber


1 Lemon


1 Teaspoon of Clay


Preparation and application:


Break the egg and separate the yolk from the white. Egg white will be used in our mask.


Take the egg white in a small glass bowl.


Pass the cucumber through the robot and extract the juice. It is necessary to use up to 1 tablespoon in the mask.

Combine egg white, cucumber juice and clay. Squeeze a few drops of lemon juice on it and mix well with a wooden spoon.


Apply the mixture evenly all over your face, excluding the eye area.


Wait 25 minutes.


Wash off with plenty of lukewarm water.


Dry with a paper towel.




Apply this mask twice a week at regular intervals to remove blackheads and open pores.

Oily and combination skin can easily apply the mask.


We recommend that you do the mask before going to sleep at night. Because of the presence of lemon juice in the mask, your skin may become even more sensitive with daylight.

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