Birth Control and Contraception

Birth control refers to any means of preventing conception. The use of different devices, medications, agents, sex acts, or surgical operations to prevent conception or pregnancy is known as birth control. Through it, everyone gets to make their own decisions about the timing of their pregnancies. Men and women can both benefit from a variety of contraceptive devices and therapies. When taken consistently every day, birth control pills are 99 percent effective at preventing conception.  In addition, it assists with pimples, endometriosis, menstrual cycle management, and ovarian/uterine cancer prevention.

A contraceptive method, often known as birth control, is intended to prevent a pregnancy from occurring. A multitude of birth control optionsis available, including:

  • Contraceptive sponges, diaphragms, and cervical caps are some of the types that prevent sperm from getting to the egg.
  • To prevent fertilized eggs from being released from the woman’s ovaries. Birth control pills, patches, needles, vaginal rings, and emergency contraceptive tablets are some of the types of contraceptives available.
  • As the name suggests, IUDs are uterine implants. It is possible to leave them in place for several years.
  • The sterilization process prevents a woman or a man from becoming pregnant or having children for the rest of their lives.

There are several things to consider before choosing a birth control technique. There are some aspects to consider while deciding whether or not to have children shortly.

Birth Control Options

While choosing a contraceptive technique for themselves or their partner, women, men, or couples need to consider a wide range of factors. Some of these factors include security, effectiveness, availability (including pricing), as well as acceptability. Choosing contraceptive techniques voluntarily and with knowledge is a crucial principle, and counseling can help ensure that contraceptive methods are used successfully.

It is essential to choose a contraceptive method that offers both HIV and other STD prevention. IUDs and hormonal contraception do not protect against STDs such as HIV. Using a male latex condomappropriately and consistently can help prevent sexually transmitted diseases like HIV and chlamydia.

Some of this detailed contraceptive information is mentioned below:

Barrier Birth Control

Contraceptives and other barrier measures like diaphragms, condoms, sponges, and cervical caps stop the sperm from reaching the egg. For the most part, you can find it in pharmacies that don’t require a prescription, or you can get them online.

Female Condom

Polyurethane is used to construct female condoms, often known as the femidom. At each end, it features an elastic band. An inner ring is put behind the pubic bone and an outer one is placed on either side of your vaginal opening to help keep the condom from slipping off. Spermicides can be injected into the vagina before sexual activity. A spermicide chemically destroys sperm. When used alone or in conjunction with a physical barrier, the substance can be quite effective. The female condom has a 79 percent success rate. Each year, this approach will result in the pregnancy of approximately 21 women. There are fewer femidoms to be found than male condoms. U.S. residents can purchase only the FDA-approved FC2 brand of the drug. You can acquire them from a drugstore on a prescription or through your health care provider. On top of that, you may pick them up from Amazon or FC2.

Male condom

Sperm can’t get into your vagina because of the male condom’s barrier. When a sexual encounter begins, it is placed on the penis. Polyurethane or latex is used to make condoms. In addition, it can assist in preventing the transmission of sexually transmitted diseases (STIs). Around 82 percent of the time, it’s effective. According to a study, 18 out of every 100 women can conceive if their mate uses a condom. You can find it from various locations, like pharmacies, local convenience stores, and others. Also, health care providers provide them, often for free. You may also get it online.


A diaphragm is a rubber, a dome-shaped device put over the cervix and inserted into the vagina. An elastic band that presses the vaginal walls helps the device stay in position behind the woman’s pubic bone. Spermicide and this product are 88% effective. Only 77-83 percent of the time is it effective.


It’s a long-acting, reversible, progestin-only birth control medicine. As well as being known as DMPA, Depo-Provera is the drug’s name. Every three months, a doctor administers the shot. It prevents pregnancy by preventing the release of an egg by the woman. If you’re planning on getting pregnant in a few months, this is a good option for you. When the three-month period has passed, it is vital to schedule another shot. However, it does not provide any protection against sexually transmitted infections (STI).

Cervical Cap

“Cervical Caps” are latex rubber barrier devices that fit over the cervical opening and prevent the unwanted male reproductive cells from entering the uterus. Before placing the cap, it should be about a third filled with spermicide. Suction holds it in place. When used with spermicide, it’s about 88 percent effective, and 77 to 83 percent successful when used alone.

Pharmaceutical categories

It has a wide range of solutions, from taking pills to having a doctor insert gadgets. Most of these birth control methods require a doctor’s visit.

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