Best natural shower gel for dry skin

How to choose the best shower gel for dry skin There are many reasons for dry skin starting from wrong daily bathing habits such as daily hot showers and winter weather. In addition to the lack of natural oils in the skin, today we show you how to make a shower gel for dry skin, the best natural type. The good news for you today is that you do not need to go to a dermatologist to treat the problem of dry skin, instead rely on natural remedies that help you treat the problem and include it in your daily routine. Because dry skin problems are common to many people, the article will offer you a lot of benefits.

What is shower gel?

The shower gel is a suitable liquid for your skin type and is supposed to be applied while taking a shower while the skin is wet. The idea here is that the lotion helps you control the moisture content and lock it inside the skin. Instead of using a traditional bath lotion, you can prepare a lotion yourself at home.

The best natural type of shower gel for dry skin:


  • 1/2 cup of shea butter.
  • 1 tablespoon of beeswax.
  • 3 tablespoons of coconut oil.
  • 2 tablespoons of jojoba oil.
  • 2 tablespoons of aloe vera gel.
  • 5-10 drops of lavender essential oil.


First, add the shea butter, beeswax paste, and coconut oil to a metal or glass mixing bowl. And then put the bowl over a low temperature on the stove with stirring, in order to be able to melt all the ingredients in the bowl until it completely melts and mixes, you can leave the bowl on the side for 30 minutes until it cools down and freezes a little.

When the mixture begins to thicken, you can use a hand mixer to beat the mixture for a minute or two or even once the color becomes a little light, besides, use a hand mixer better than a spoon to allow the air to enter the mixture, and thus you get a texture that has a texture Whipped easy to apply.

Next, add jojoba oil, aloe vera gel, and lavender essential oil. At this stage, it is preferable to use a hand mixer until the mixture reaches the desired consistency and is easy to use.

Finally, you can put the lotion in a suitable container of glass or plastic with a capacity of 4 ounces, and to increase the effectiveness of applying the lotion, you can put a plastic bag with a zipper and then put it directly in the container.

How to use home bath lotion?

You can do your normal shower routine, and once you clean your body of course, you can put the lotion on wet skin and leave it for a minute or two, so that the skin absorbs it easily and achieve the necessary benefits for you, then quickly rinse again, we advise you to put the lotion on wet skin to double the benefits that you will get on her.

How does a shower gel for dry skin help soothe dry skin?

The skin naturally produces oil called sebum, which helps protect the skin from losing its natural moisture, but there are some daily habits that result in the loss of natural skin moisture, for example, forgetting to apply moisturizer or washing hands with dry soap. All of these factors make you lose Natural moisture and when using a home bath lotion, you can restore the luster of the skin and form a natural barrier, but if you suffer from acne, you can add tea tree oil, which is characterized by its anti-bacterial properties, to the mixture, thus it acts as an anti-bacterial that causes acne. We advise you in some cases of acne in Consult a dermatologist.

In addition, there are many ways to help you take advantage of natural oils in making skin lotion, either using it alone or combining it with a group of other elements, and among these effective elements in preparing the skin lotion, such as:

Coconut Oil:  Research has proven that coconut oil helps treat a range of different skin diseases, for example, allergies, eczema, allergies and dermatitis. Once the topical application of coconut oil, you can treat this problem.

Aloe vera gel: Aloe vera  gel is one of the plants that has natural healing properties and helps you produce natural oils. Therefore, we advise you to use it as a moisturizer for dry skin, because it contains many elements that work to lock moisture in the body.


Natural remedies suitable for dry skin:

There are a group of simple methods that help you improve and treat dry skin and get smooth skin.

1– olive oil:

Olive oil for dry skin is a wonderful natural oil as it acts as a natural cleanser, in addition, olive oil acts as a moisturizer at the same time. Once you apply olive oil to a cotton pad and rub the oil on the skin, then put a warm wet cloth on the face until it cools, then wipe the excess oil, olive oil helps you clean the skin and moisturize the skin 

2Make a creamy avocado mask:

You can prepare an avocado mask at home in a natural way and to soothe dry skin first, use half an avocado and then mix it with a small spoonful of olive oil and add a large spoonful of honey, if you have very dry skin, then apply the mask on the face and leave it for 15 – 20 minutes before washing the face, your skin should feel moisturized after applying the mask and at the end you can apply the usual moisturizing cream.

3Making a natural olive oil and sugar scrub:

You can easily make a natural scrub at home by mixing olive oil with sugar. First, mix ½ cup of sugar with 2 tablespoons of olive oil. And then add lavender oil, which adds a wonderful aroma and increases relaxation. You can use the scrub and rub gently on the skin, then wash and finally use a moisturizer to maintain the benefits of moisturizing the skin.

4Preparing an oatmeal soak to soothe the skin:

Adding half a cup of oatmeal  to warm bath water can naturally moisturize dry skin because oats soothe the skin. In addition, oatmeal helps your skin retain moisture after bathing. In addition, oats act as a great exfoliator for the skin.

  • First, mix 2 tablespoons of oatmeal with a tablespoon of honey and a little water. In addition, you may need to heat the mixture to get a liquid mixture and then rub the face with the mixture. You can use it only to exfoliate and wash it immediately or leave it on the skin for 15-20 minutes to act as a soothing and moisturizing mask for the skin.

5Applying coconut oil before bed:

Coconut oil can freeze at room temperature. Therefore, we recommend that you use it as a moisturizing cream for the skin before bed, in order to have effects on the skin at night. If you suffer from cracked heels and hands, you can apply the oil and then thick socks or non-latex gloves.


6Adding your favorite essential oil while taking a shower:

Natural oils are a great way to moisturize the skin and help you form a natural barrier to prevent the loss of natural oils in the skin. Which is often damaged by washing hands with commercial soap that strips the face of the natural oils present. So you can choose natural oils that help prevent skin irritation. You can choose a group of other natural oils such as jojoba oil, argan oil, and avocado oil. When using, we recommend placing a few tablespoons of any of the above oils in bath water and soaking in the water for a period of time ranging between 10-15 minutes. Then apply an amount of oil on the body after showering to maintain moisture and softness.

7Milk compresses for irritated skin:

Milk has natural anti-inflammatory properties because it contains lactic acid, which acts as a natural exfoliator for the body and for making milk compresses. You can soak a cotton cloth and pat it on the areas that are experiencing dryness. For this, we recommend leaving the compresses for 10 minutes each time in order to get rid of irritation and dryness of the skin.

8Natural fruit peels:

Natural fruit peels contain enzymes that help you get rid of dry skin. It also contains active ingredients such as alpha hydroxy acids and exfoliation of the dead layer on the face and body. We recommend using fruit peels as a mask twice a week and from natural fruits that contain enzymes such as pineapple, pumpkin and papaya.

9Applying aloe vera to irritated skin:

Although many people believe that aloe vera gel is used to relieve sunburn and is very useful during the winter, it also works to relieve irritated skin inflammation. It offers additional benefits such as reducing signs of aging, treating acne and can help people with Atopic Dermatitis.

10– Honey:

Several studies have found that honey possesses a range of skin moisturizing properties. Soothing burns, anti-inflammatory, these properties make it a great ingredient for dry skin and you can apply it directly to the skin.


Vaseline has been used for years as a natural skin moisturizer. In addition, it contains a group of mineral oils that are beneficial to the skin and form a natural barrier. To prevent the skin from losing its natural oils with exposure to external factors.

12Milk intake:

It can be a traditional advice, but taking milk helps in improving the appearance of dry skin easily. Research from 2015 suggests that a diet rich in milk helps improve dry skin. The study found that the fats in milk improve the skin and compensate for the natural oils that it loses.

13Sunflower seed oil:

A 2013 study Sunflower seed oil improves skin hydration, creating a protective barrier for the skin to prevent the loss of natural oils and sebum.


Expert tips for dry skin care:

There are a number of steps that help you provide the necessary care for dry skin, for example:

  1. Regular application of moisturizer : You should include moisturizer as an essential part of your daily skin care routine, and after that, you can apply moisturizer to your skin from head to toe.
  2. Following correct bathing habits : It is intended to avoid excessive use of warm water while showering, and to limit the duration of bathing to only 10 minutes, and in the case of using warm water and not to use too much commercial soap that strips the skin of natural oils.
  3. Avoid exposure to chemicals :   because chemicals can exacerbate dry skin problems, increase irritation, and cause burns in some cases.
  4. Eat more water: Taking care to drink enough water throughout the day helps prevent skin dehydration, as you moisturize the body from the inside and outside.
  5. Wear clothes that are suitable for the weather:   You can choose the appropriate sunscreen to apply while going out in the summer, and wear clothes that do not cause any skin irritation

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