Best clay mask for skin

Here, dear, follow our magazine, the best types of mud mask for oily, dry and mixed skin, we explain to you through the following lines how to make an effective mud mask, to get a shiny and radiant face, and the ingredients that you can add that match your skin type, natural mud masks work to soften the skin and purify it from Impurities, as it deals with many skin problems and treats them effectively.


The best types of mud mask for the skin of all kinds The first is the usual mud mask: It is the usual mask used by most girls and women, which consists of mud powder and water only, to remove toxins and impurities stuck to the skin, apply it on your face and carefully monitor as soon as it dries, wash your face immediately without trying to remove the mask It is dry on the skin.

The second is clay to exfoliate and lighten the skin color: add 1-2 tablespoons of ground turmeric (according to your skin color: one tablespoon light and two dark ones) with 2 tablespoons of clay powder. Milk and water can be added to this mask, but make sure that you Do not suffer from any allergic reactions to dairy products. Apply the mask on your face for 15 minutes. Wash your face with water and start rubbing the mask while it is wet. Never rub the mask when it is dry because that damages the skin cells. This mask works to lighten the color of the skin, exfoliate and remove the skin

The third dead. To open pores and prevent cracks: Mix an amount of kaolin clay or known as green clay, with drops of palm oil and palm kernels. Distribute the mask on clean skin and immediately after it dries, wash it with lukewarm water. Toxins and dirt, as it protects against skin cracks. As for the kernel and palm oils, they work to protect the skin from getting pimples because they are rich in anti-inflammatory and bacteria.

Fourth, clay mask for the treatment of acne: Put a tablespoon of kaolin clay with 1 tablespoon of oats in its coarse form, not fine flour. To treat acne, apply drops of tea tree oil, which is rich in anti-inflammatory. Once it dries, wash your face and rub it while it is wet. This mask will help you in getting shiny and healthy skin free of pimples.


The best type of clay mask for cleaning the skin The fifth works on a deep cleaning of the skin:


Mix the following ingredients:

a tablespoon of corn flour with 2 tablespoons of bentonite clay. Put one egg white and any type of essential oil from the known oils. Distribute the paste carefully without rubbing too. Leave it to dry Then wash it with lukewarm water.

This mask gives you a skin free of black and white heads.It works to rejuvenate the skin,and stimulates blood circulation in it.

The colors and benefits of the clay mask Blue clay:Suitable for most skin types.Treats scars on the surface of the skin.

Red skin from bacteria harmful to the skin White clay: soften and clean the skin.

Promote blood circulation.

Lighten the skin.

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