Benefits of spinach for the skin and ways to use it for skin care


Are necessary for skin care. From here, here are the benefits of spinach for the skin, as well as the ways to use it.

Benefits of spinach for the skin

1 – spinach helps to get rid of acne 

Spinach contains vitamins A, C, E and a variety of nutrients which help to cure acne. The antioxidants in spinach also help it get rid of blemishes, facial blisters and cleanse the skin of dirt and oils. 

2-spinach helps to treat dark circles 

Spinach has the ability to treat dark circles due to its vitamin K content.

3. spinach helps fight wrinkles and signs of aging

Spinach contains a high proportion of antioxidants that kill free radicals harmful to the skin which cause the appearance of signs of premature aging and wrinkles. 

4. spinach helps prevent sunlight 

Spinach is rich in vitamin B which protects the skin from UV rays that cause damage to the skin such as skin cancer and sagging skin.

5 – spinach helps to stimulate the growth and regeneration of skin cells 

Spinach is a natural source rich in antioxidants that make skin supple and radiant. Spinach also contains vitamin c, which repairs dead skin cells and promotes their growth, as it is one of the vitamins needed to rebuild skin cells. The vitamin A enhances skin tone and makes it brighter. 

Mixtures for the face of spinach 

1-spinach and yogurt mixture for wrinkle treatment 

Heat 9 sheets of spinach with a glass of yogurt for 3 minutes. 

Apply warm leaves to the skin and neck, leave for an hour during the day.

Wash and dry the face with soft cotton.

2-spinach and cabbage mixture for wrinkle treatment 

Put a handful of chopped spinach and a handful of cabbage in boiling water and leave for two minutes. 

Remove the spinach and cabbage leaves from the boiling water and grind in an electric blender until you have a soft dough. 

Add 1/4 cup of olive oil and stir well until you get a cohesive mix. 

After that, apply the mixture to the skin of your face and leave for 10 minutes. When required, rinse your face with warm and then cold water.

Repeat twice a week, and within a short time you’ll get a full, wrinkle-free face.

3-mix spinach and olive oil for wide pores treatment

Put 200 g of spinach in a bowl and cook until the mixture is smooth. 

Add 1/4 cup olive oil and 1/4 cup cream and mix again to combine all the ingredients, then filter the mixture. 

Layer this green mask on the face and neck after cleaning them well before bedtime.

Leave the mixture for 8 minutes, then wash your face twice using lukewarm water the first time and cold water the second time to seal the pores. 

4-spinach mixture for acne treatment

Mix the water with a pinch of spinach. 

Spread the resulting mix on the skin and leave for 20 minutes. 

Apply this mixture to get rid of dirt, inflammation and oils on the skin. 

Additional benefits of spinach 

In addition to the aesthetic benefits of spinach, of course it has benefits for hair and health too, which we will mention to you in the following lines.

The benefits of spinach for

Spinach contains a very high percentage of vitamins, iron, and omega 3, which nourish the scalp and hair and promotes its growth. 

Spinach contains antioxidants that prevent hair damage, B vitamins, and vitamin C contained in spinach increase collagen and keratin levels, which promote hair growth. 

The element iron found in spinach helps deliver oxygen to the hair follicles, making the hair healthier. 

What are the benefits of spinach for hair and how can you use it?

The benefits of spinach for health

Spinach contains a tremendous amount of nutrients which the most important is vitamin A, which is considered a line of Defense for the body against foreign harmful and promotes its benefits. 

Help to lower high blood pressure in the body and reduce the percentage of potassium in the body. 

Contain flavonoids which have within them anti-cancer properties to prevent the formation of cancer cells.

Beta-carotene and vitamin C can help improve digestive health as it protects colon cells from damage, regulates bowel movement and prevents constipation.

Folic acid and potassium contained in spinach improve nerve functions if taken on a daily basis. 

Work tincture lutein in spinach to reduce the incidence of atherosclerosis, strokes and heart attacks. 

Spinach helps fight and prevent osteoporosis, as spinach is a source of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin K. 

Spinach is used in special diets for weight loss, because it is rich in fiber that helps to get full and feel full, not to mention low in calories.

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