Benefits of orange peel for the skin 5 best face masks

There are many benefits of orange peel for the skin; Where you can use the peel instead of getting rid of it to get healthy and fresh skin without grains and impurities.

Instead of buying expensive skin care products, you can use a little orange peel to prepare a set of natural masks for the skin, which will not cost you much and will enhance the benefit on the skin.

Benefits of orange peel for the skin

The importance of the orange peel for the skin is due to the healthy nutrients it contains; Where the health benefits are not limited to the orange fruit only, but extend to the peel.

In the following article, Al-Jawhara reviews the benefits of orange peel for the skin, and how to prepare natural masks for the skin.

Benefits of orange peel for the skin
Benefits of orange peel for the skin

There are many benefits of orange peel for the face, as mentioned earlier, and they include the following:

  • Orange peel helps lighten dark spots, because orange peel contains hesperidin, a substance that may contribute to lightening pigmentation and unifying skin tone.
  • The topical use of orange peel may have a variety of benefits for oily skin prone to pimples, as it dries up pimples and speeds up their recovery.
  • It helps keep oily skin under control, which may contribute to acne prevention.
  • Because of the high content of citric acid in orange peel, the use of dried orange peel powder helps to exfoliate the skin and get rid of the accumulation of dead cells and pollutants, which may contribute to opening closed pores and getting rid of blackheads.
  • Orange peel contains natural substances, such as; Magnesium, and various antioxidants such as vitamin C, may help fight damage and fight wrinkles and premature aging.
  • Moisturizes the skin because orange peel is rich in potassium, which helps the skin retain its moisture.
  • Reducing the scars that pimples may leave on the skin after they fade.
  • Resisting some inflammatory skin problems, due to the richness of the orange peel in vitamin E.
  • Improving the texture of the skin and ridding the skin of impurities.

Orange peel recipes for skin

You can apply orange peel recipes for the skin, in different ways and with multiple natural ingredients, as follows..

Benefits of orange peel for the skin

Orange peel and sandalwood mask

  • Mix one tablespoon of orange peel powder with one-half teaspoon each of walnut powder and sandalwood powder.
  • Then add to this mixture half a spoon of honey and half a spoon of yoghurt.
  •  Massage the face with the orange peel mixture for 5 minutes, then wash the face with warm water.

 Orange peel and almond mask

  • Mix one tablespoon of ground orange peel powder with one tablespoon each of ground almonds and ground oats.
  • Then add a little milk to the mixture.
  • Distribute the mask of orange peel and almond on the face skin, and leave for 20-25 minutes until it dries.
  • Then wash the face of the mask with water.

Orange peel and chickpea mask

  • Mix one tablespoon of dried orange peel powder, one tablespoon of water and one tablespoon of chickpea flour.
  • Then distribute a thick layer of orange peel mask on the skin
  • Leave for 5 minutes to dry.
  • Rinse the orange peel mask after it dries with water.

Orange peel and aloe vera mask

  • Mix 1-2 tablespoons of orange peel with an equivalent portion of aloe vera juice.
  • Leave the mixture of orange peel and aloe vera on the face, for 10 minutes.
  • Then wash it with cold water.

 Orange peel and baking soda scrub

  • Mix two tablespoons of orange peel powder and baking soda.
  • Then add a spoonful of honey to the mixture.
  • Distribute an orange peel and baking soda mask on the skin.
  • Leave it for 10-15 minutes and then wash it off with warm water.


Benefits of orange peel for the skin


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