Face mask have turned out to be a quite essential section of our day to day lives following the outbreak of corona virus pandemic . Treated as the first measure to guard towards virus ,masks have turned out to be obligatory for all those who are leaving their homes.

But, are you using the right mask to stop covid 19 ?. The fitness ministry has warned in opposition to the “inappropriate use of N95 masks, specially those that comprise of respiratory valves”.

In a letter to all states and union territories ,Rajeev garg, a well known director of fitness services, ministry of fitness stated “it is to convey the information to everyone that the use of valve respiratory N95 masks is unsafe to the measures adopted for stopping the unfold of corona virus as it does no longer forestall the virus from escaping out of the mask”.

what specialist are saying

A N95 mask with valve,  filter the air inhaled through the weaver for comfortable breathing . The docs and researchers through out the world have warned towards the use of N95 masks with respiratory valves. 

The valve in N95 mask might also be “one way valve”, which is solely going to shield the individual carrying it. One way valve does no longer filter the aerosols coming out of your mouth. It will no longer shield all people around that individual  from possible publicity to the virus they exhale. 

“The ones with the valves or openings on the front side are NOT  safe and might also  sincerely propel your germs further”, San Francisco branch of public fitness wrote on twitter. “Any mask with one way valve is solely going to shield the individual sporting it .it won’t shield each person around that man or woman from conceivable publicity to virus particles they exhale”, stated Dr.Ali Raja, government vice chairman of the branch of emergency remedy at Massachusetts general hospital and a companion professor at Haward medical school.

“It may additadditionally provide the human beings surrounding  them a false feeling of security”, he added.

 The fitness ministry prompted public to use home made face masks. Any cotton garments can be used as  cover for face and mouth.  The ministry had in the past issued an advisory on how to make shielding face covers at home. 

Any cotton cloth can be made as mask and can be used daily. Use of N95 masks by common public should be stopped. A mask made at home using cotton cloth is affordable by everyone and can be used by everyone. 

Many precautionary measures were issued by the government like washing your hands throughly ,maintain social distancing and wearing a mask. As wearing a mask has been choosen as the first measure to guard corona virus, everyone of us should wear it and should reduce  the risk of getting infected.also fofollowed by this precautionary measures everyone should follow the other precautionary measures also like maintaining social distance and washing hands throughly.

Let’s all follow these precautionary measures and move forward towards the way of corona free world.

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