Apple and cinnamon drink to lose belly fat

One of the best ways to get rid of excess weight easily and quickly is to rely on exercise and low-calorie foods that burn the fat stored in the body. In order to get rid of excess weight, you can also rely on some incendiary drinks and creams that help break down fat. The Woman Magazine offers In your hands is the method of making apple drink with cinnamon to get rid of excess weight and break down fat easily, quickly and safely, away from relying on difficult and expensive means to get rid of excess weight.


Ingredients and ingredients:


2 apples


A teaspoon of cinnamon


One tablespoon of ground almonds


A cup of skim milk





How to prepare:


Peel the apples and remove the core from the inside, then cut them into small cubes.


Put the apples in an electric blender, then add the ground almonds, cinnamon and milk to it.


Sweeten the drink if you like with any calorie-free artificial sweetener.


Drink this drink daily before eating breakfast.


Your diet should be based on proteins such as meat, chicken and fish.


Make sure to eat snacks between the main meals, which consist of low-calorie fruits.


Do not forget to drink at least 8 glasses of water daily

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