Anger and frustration can lead to a stroke

Anger over traffic or frustration over an event can have dire consequences for our health, up to and including stroke.

In this report published by the American newspaper “The Washington post”, author Erin Blakemore says that researchers found in a recent global study on the causes and conditions that lead to stroke, that in one out of every 11 cases the patient had a stroke. Psychological anger or frustration within the hour prior to the onset of stroke symptoms.

This study, published in the European Heart Journal, relied on analyzing data from 13,462 patients in 32 countries.

These patients, who had previously had a stroke, filled out detailed questionnaires during the first three days after their admission to the hospital.


Anger and psychological frustration

The results showed that about 8% of these interviewed patients confirmed that they suffered from anger and psychological frustration during the same day on which these serious symptoms appeared, and more than 9% of them confirmed that they suffered from anger and psychological frustration during the hour prior to the appearance of the first symptoms.

These results also showed that the risk of stroke was higher for those who experienced these feelings during the last hour compared to those who experienced them in the same day.

And the author quotes Andrew Smith, professor of clinical epidemiology in Ireland and one of the co-authors of this study, as saying, “This study found that anger and emotional frustration are associated with a 30% higher risk of stroke within the next hour, and this risk increases if the patient has not He previously suffered from depression.

Another detail that the study showed is that the lower a person’s educational level, the more likely he will have a stroke caused by anger and frustration.

As for patients who were doing intense physical activity, the risk of brain bleeding increased by 60%, but there was no increase in the risk of stroke in the next hour.



High cholesterol and blood pressure

The study also showed that about 5% of the patients questioned had experienced significant physical or mental stress in the hour preceding the stroke. Nevertheless, the researchers reiterated that regular exercise remains a very useful advice in the long term to prevent these health risks.

The author cautions that high cholesterol, blood pressure and bad habits such as smoking and obesity are all factors that increase the risk of stroke.

In the conclusion of this study, the researchers said, “These results confirm the importance of avoiding anger and psychological frustration to maintain health

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