
7 Natural Remedies for a Professional Home Spa

7 Natural Remedies for a Professional Home Spa

No need to go for an expensive spa and health product to get a natural beauty treatment. Here we present how to make a home spa with natural ingredients for your beauty and skin. Relief from dry, annoying and oily skin is a very easy thing that can be in your refrigerator and the ingredients in it that nourish the skin and at the same time calm the skin. In this article, you will find home remedies as if you are in a health product at the lowest costs. The following seven home remedies are some of our best homemade spa recipes that are inexpensive and smell great.


Natural remedies for your beauty to make a home spa


1- Tropical Foot Treatment: There is no time to pamper tired feet, but in a few minutes, make a foot mask from natural ingredients to pamper and beautify your feet. Papaya fruit contains a natural exfoliator that softens dry and rough feet, yogurt absorbs excess oils and cools the skin, honey is anti-bacterial, mint reduces inflammation and relaxes tired muscles, while grape seed oil is a light antioxidant moisturizer that is easily absorbed by the skin.


the ingredients :


– Half a cup of mashed papaya – Half a cup of yogurt – 1 teaspoon of honey – 1 teaspoon of grape seed oil (can be replaced with vegetable oil or olive oil) – A fresh mint sprig, cut into small pieces


How to prepare:


– Mix all the ingredients using salsa or chop them with your hands – Massage the feet with this mixture – Put a small plastic bag on each foot and leave it for 10 minutes, then wash your feet with cold water. Apply a foot cream or body cream of your choice. This tropical remedy can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5 days. Note: This mask may be used to soften hands and face.


2- Aloe vera to soothe the skin: in the southwest of the country. People still keep aloe vera, because the gel in its leaves is used to soften dry, rough, and burnt skin. The aloe vera plant contains an anti-inflammatory agent and is also rich in minerals, vitamins and enzymes, all because it contains 99% of water, which is why it is used as a moisturizer.


Aloe vera closes the pores of the skin for a temporary period, and it can be used to make a small mask when preparing for a party or after returning from the beach, especially if you have been exposed to the sun for a long time.

Lavender oil also soothes the skin, and chamomile oil soothes inflamed skin.


the ingredients :


– Quarter cup of gel extracted from aloe vera leaves – 2 capsules of vitamin E – Half a tablespoon of lavender or chamomile oil (optional)


How to prepare:


Aloe vera gel can be kept for up to four weeks in the refrigerator because ice makes it more effective. When preparing, open 2 capsules of vitamin E with any essential oil and mix the three ingredients together – put the mixture on a clean face and leave it for 10 minutes, wash your face with warm water and then apply any moisturizing cream.Note: The aloe vera plant reduces puffiness under the eyes, lie down for 5 minutes and start doing a nice back and forth massage.


Tuscans for a glowing face:


Olive oil is not only used in food. In ancient Rome, olive oil was used in soaps, moisturizers, hair conditioners, and body treatments. It is known in Italy as the “golden liquid”, because it is loaded with antioxidants and oleic acid, which helps to renew skin cells, and it is very gentle on sensitive skin and does not clog pores because it is light and suitable for oily skin.


Oranges, like any other citrus fruit, contain citric acid, which acts as a natural exfoliant. Also, baking soda is a gentle exfoliator that makes the skin glowing and smooth.


the ingredients:


– A small orange – A quarter cup of extra-virgin olive oil – A small spoonful of baking soda (optional)


How to prepare:


– Cut the orange in half and squeeze it on the olive oil and mix them together, and you can add baking soda if you want. – Massage the mixture with circular movements on clean skin and then wash it with cold water, you can store the mixture for two weeks at room temperature.


Note: To make your hair strands soft, apply after the drops of olive oil and massage it into your hair, especially the ends, work your hair with a hair dryer a little so that the oil penetrates into the hair.


4- Sesame body scrub:


Sesame is one of the most powerful oils that penetrate deeply into the skin and the most powerful moisturizing oils. In India, it is massaged into the scalp in the belief that it prevents hair loss. The salt in this recipe helps exfoliate dry skin while the oils soften and nourish dry skin. This recipe is made after spice paste which is a traditional rubbing cooking method popular in many cultures such as India, China and Mexico.


the ingredients :


1 cup sesame seeds – 1 cup sea salt – ½ cup sesame oil




Roast sesame seeds at a temperature of 350 degrees for 2 minutes, until the oil comes out and gives a more aroma, using spear, grind the sesame and then add salt and oil.- Gently massage your skin to the bottom of the neck, then wash your face with cold water, and this recipe can be stored Up to 6 months out of the sun. Note: To rejuvenate the skin and revitalize the body, rub the scalp to stimulate blood flow and stimulate circulation.


5- Egg mask for oily skin:


Nothing compares to the refreshing comfort of lemon, this mask will cleanse your skin and cleanse oily skin The citric acid in the fruit is alpha-hydroxy acid, which is a great exfoliator for the skin while the eggs soften and tighten the skin


Citrus oils such as lemon, orange, grapefruit, bergamot and neroli, and make your skin more susceptible to absorbing ultraviolet rays, so avoid exposure to the sun when using this mask. Use it at night before bed


the ingredients:


– eggs – lemon




Cut the lemon in half and extract the pulp in the lemon and squeeze it on the egg yolk and put it in the refrigerator for a night. Apply the mask on clean skin that suffers from dryness avoiding the eye area, then wash your face when it dries, and the rest can be stored for 2-3 days in Fridge


Note: To exfoliate the elbows, put this mask on them and leave it for 10 minutes, then rub the elbows using salt to exfoliate.


6- Sage plant:


When pimples appear in your back and you want to wear a swimsuit, this is very embarrassing. Sage herbs are the most appropriate solution to this problem, as they are herbs with antiseptic oils that kill acne-causing bacteria, and they also sterilize wounds, soften the skin, calm inflamed skin, and control the excess oils secreted by the body.


the ingredients :


– 1 cup of oatmeal, a quarter of a cup of dry or fresh sage leaves, and a piece of gauze or cheesecloth




Put all the ingredients in the center of the cheesecloth or gauze, tie the cloth well from the sides and put it under the tap water. The water must be warm to soften the oatmeal and release the sage oils. Immerse it in the water for 10-15 minutes, then open the bag and gently press it on your back. Use this recipe for the skin and chest to control sebum production.


7. Cold Cucumber Toner:


Cucumber is a classic beauty solution. It cools and refreshes dry skin and reduces swelling, and it is considered a wonderful skin toner and is suitable for all skin types.


the ingredients :


Half a peeled cucumber 3 tablespoons distilled water 3 tablespoons hazelnuts




1- Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.

2- Put it on your skin and leave it on your face for a quarter of an hour.

3- Wash your face and enjoy great skin.

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