
Tips to get rid of dry skin problems

Tips to get rid of dry skin problems

Girls with dry skin suffer from dryness in the area of ​​the cheeks and the sides of the face, and dehydration may extend to the legs and hands, especially in the atmosphere with little moisture. Internal psychological factors, such as feeling sad, anxious or stressful, play a role in dry skin.



What are the problems of dry skin? The problems of dry skin vary between:


Feeling of mild itching.

Sensitivity to weather factors and appears to be red quickly.

– Lack of freshness and pallor.

Early exposure to wrinkles around the eyes, mouth and forehead.

Red spots appear and quickly turn into cracks with a rough texture, such as: burns if dry skin is not constantly moisturized.



Tips to get rid of dry skin problems:

• Stay away from everything that increases skin dryness, such as direct exposure to sunlight, and excessive use of soap in washing the face.

• Avoid using hot water while showering and washing the face.

• Maintaining daily moisturizing for dry skin, using light moisturizing creams in summer and heavy creams in winter.

• Continuous cleaning of dry skin with cleansers rich in moisturizer and natural oils.

• Avoid the use of disinfectants because they increase the dryness of the skin.

• Pat dry skin with a thin cotton towel.

• Continuing to put some natural moisturizing masks on the skin on a weekly basis, which contain: avocado, yeast, bee honey and milk.


A healthy diet plays an important role in treating dry skin. There are many nutritional tips to follow, such as:


• Commitment to healthy food that contains vegetables, fruits, grains and nuts, and an appropriate amount of vegetable protein should be taken.



• Eating foods rich in sulfur, such as: garlic, onions, eggs, and asparagus, as sulfur maintains the smoothness and youthfulness of the skin.



• Keep eating yellow and orange vegetables such as carrots.



• Placing cold flax oil in daily meals on salads, roasted potatoes, or other dishes that do not require cooking at high temperatures. Flax oil helps moisturize and soften dry skin.



• Eat fresh fruits that contain vitamins A and C, or drink fresh juices such as cantaloupe, carrots and apricots to get soft and moist skin.



• Be sure to eat foods rich in vitamin B5, such as quark cheese, milk, yogurt, fibrous vegetables and wheat germ; All of these foods help to manufacture the fatty substances and oils necessary for healthy skin.



• Drink 8-10 glasses of water daily to keep the skin hydrated.



• Avoid fried and canned foods that contain a large proportion of animal fats. Cold pressed vegetable oils can be used.



• Staying away from soft drinks and excessive consumption of sugar, chocolate, chips and other fast foods because they are harmful to the skin.



Try not to fall short in taking care of your skin, as skin care is important in order to avoid exposure to the problems of pimples, blackheads, pimples, and other problems that may distort the appearance of your skin.

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