Rising Trend: Medical Aesthetics Applications

In recent years, medical aesthetic methods have come to the fore in beauty trends. You can be inspired by medical aesthetic procedures to have a tighter, slimmer body and create flawless skin looks.

Now let’s take a closer look at the most popular aesthetic applications with you. Which of the medical aesthetic methods does what? We explain in detail the medical applications that will make you look younger and smoother, such as hyaluronic acid fillers, lip sling, jawline and gold needle. Which aesthetic procedure is most suitable for you? We tell you about the medical aesthetic procedures that you are curious about and hear from your environment one by one.

Editor’s Note: If you intend to have medical aesthetic applications, you should definitely see a specialist and have it done under the control of a dermatologist. Since these medical applications are extremely important, you should research thoroughly and avoid applications that may harm your skin.


Hyaluronic acid filler


Hyaluronic acid fillers are the most popular of the medical aesthetic procedures to make the skin look young and tight! With the widespread use of hyaluronic acid fillers, different effects and properties emerge. When hyaluronic acid filling is applied to the right areas on the face, it creates a lifting effect, that is, lifting the face upwards and stretching it. Thanks to the hyaluronic acid filling applied to the area between the cheekbone and the hair, the cheeks may appear smaller, just as a thread face lift effect is created.

The other purpose of the hyaluronic acid filler on the face is to fill and complete the gaps. With aging, loss of elasticity of the skin and the effect of gravity, facial fullness may be lost. These cavities are usually seen on the nose, cheeks and chin. With hyaluronic acid filler, you can fill the gaps in this area and make your face look fuller. Depending on the quality of the hyaluronic acid filler, its permanence varies between 6 months and two years. Since the hyaluronic acid filling prices are a bit high, you should think twice before having medical aesthetics.


Jawline padding

If you follow beauty trends, we are sure you have heard of Jawline filler. The hyaluronic acid filling applied to the chin line gives the chin a sharper and more distinct air. Jawline filler also hides the appearance of the jowl and helps lengthen the chin if requested.

Jawline aesthetics are especially preferred by those with very rounded and small facial lines. Thus, the facial features become more pronounced and look more bony. You can reach the slightly masculine, sharp and prominent facial line that has been popular in recent years with jawline filling.


lip strap


Lip hanger, the rising star of Hollywood aesthetic trends! Lip lift with thread aims to make the lips look fuller without any filling application. In lip lift aesthetics, first the love arc region of the lips is clarified, then the lips are lifted upwards with threads placed inside the lips under local anesthesia.

In lip lift aesthetics, it is very important to create lip looks that are compatible with the face. Lips lifted in accordance with the facial features look more natural and attractive. However, some aesthetic mistakes can cause false and exaggerated lip appearances on the lips. The permanence of the lip hanger with thread can last up to 12 months. Self-melting surgical threads are naturally removed from the body. If you want, you can have the lip hanger done again after a year.


golden needle application


One of the shortest ways to flawless skin is the golden needle application. Especially if you have problems such as sun-induced spots, fine wrinkles and dullness, you can apply Scarlet S to your skin. Scarlet S, needle radiofrequency application leaves a controlled damage under the skin. Since the golden needle tips in the application head can energize our skin to the depth we want, it can provide optimum rejuvenation on the skin.

In the golden needle method, it is aimed to revive the skin’s own cell repair and treatment mechanism by creating an effect as if our skin has been injured. Collagen and hyaluronic acid production under the skin increases and tightening is observed. After the gold needle application, the skin quality continues to improve for two to four months. After the 4th month, collagen production in the skin decreases to its previous levels.

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