natural mixtures to whiten and lighten dark places on the body

natural mixtures to whiten and lighten dark places on the body


Here is a group of effective natural ingredients that can help lighten dark areas of the body




1. Lemon and baking soda


Lemon has distinctive skin-lightening and whitening properties.

Take half a lemon and sprinkle some baking soda on it

. Gently rub your elbows and knees using this and leave the product on your skin for 10-15 minutes.

Rinse with warm water and repeat the process once a day.


2- option


Take a slice of cucumber and rub it on your elbows and knees for up to 5 minutes

. This will remove all the dead skin cells and lighten and moisturize the skin from its depths


3. Aloe vera and milk


Mix equal parts of fresh aloe vera with milk.

Apply the mixture on your elbows and knees.

Leave it overnight and rinse it off the next morning.

This will give you a light and even skin.


4. Coconut oil


Coconut oil helps moisturize the skin and repair dark and damaged skin cells.

You can mix some lemon juice with this for best results.

Apply it every day on the affected area after showering and leave it on.


5. Turmeric


Turmeric has excellent skin-lightening and skin-healing properties.

You can mix some pure turmeric powder with raw milk and massage it on your elbows and knees.

Leave it on for as long as possible and wash it off with cold water.




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