
What are the 4 most important foods for healthy brain cells and memory power?

What are the 4 most important foods for healthy brain cells and memory power?

British recommendations show that there are 4 types of foods that help you maintain a good blood flow to brain cells, according to scientific studies in this field, and these foods are:


1- Vegetables: The most important of which are dark leafy vegetables such as spinach, as well as broccoli and cabbage, these types can support your memory.

2- Fatty fish: such as salmon, tuna, sardines and herring, as they supply the brain with the type of fatty acids it needs and the body cannot form, which is what is called omega 3.

It is recommended to eat this fish at least twice a week to get the adequate amount for the health of brain cells.

Oven grilling is the healthiest way to cook food, and it also has good flavor.

3- Different types of berries such as cranberries and cherries: The darker the color of these types, as in the case of cherries and cranberries, purple or black, the greater their content of flavinoids that support memory functions.

The darker the color of these types, as in the case of cherries and berries Wild purple or black, the higher their content of flavinoids, which support memory functions.

4- Nuts: especially walnuts (walnuts), and many studies show that eating about 30 grams of walnuts (full of hands) several times a week has positive effects on the health of brain cells in addition to especially walnuts (walnuts), and many studies show that eating About 30 grams of walnuts (hand filling) several times a week has positive effects on brain cell health as well as heart health.

According to the Knowledge Bank, eating these foods regularly supports your health in the long run, and confirms that they reduce the chances of memory impairment and speed, and they are part of a complete diet called Mind Diet, and Harvard University of America confirms its benefits for brain health and memory.

This diet developed from the Mediterranean Diet is recommended by British recommendations and international health organizations to maintain and international health organizations to maintain cardiovascular health that nourishes the cells of the whole body, which nourishes the cells of the whole body.

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