Fat damage to the liver

liver disease may cause no problem or significant damage in some cases, but in other cases it may cause hepatitis, and if this inflammation is caused by drinking alcohol, this condition is called Alcoholic steatohepatitis, and if it is otherwise caused by non-alcoholic steatohepatitis or NAFLD for short In some cases, hepatitis may lead to the formation of scar tissue or what is known as fibrosis as a result of the body trying to treat the existing inflammation, and it may develop into cirrhosis in the liver (Cirrhosis), and cirrhosis is an advanced stage of liver scarring that negatively affects the Liver function and structure.


It is noteworthy that cirrhosis of the liver usually does not appear suddenly, but rather occurs gradually over several years, and the disorders that may accompany cirrhosis of the liver are the following:

• Ascites; It is the accumulation of fluid in the abdomen.

Esophageal varices, this condition is characterized by swelling of the esophageal veins, and may rupture and lead to bleeding in some cases.

Hepatic encephalopathy, which may be accompanied by confusion, slurred speech, and abnormal drowsiness.

Jaundice, which is a yellowing of the skin and whites of the eyes.

Enlargement of the breasts in some men.

Reaching the final stage of liver failure, in which the liver loses its ability to function normally.

Increased chance of developing cardiovascular disease; The chance of this complication increases if there is fat on the liver, especially if the person has type 2 diabetes, and examples of cardiovascular disease are stroke and heart attack. Therefore

, the doctor is keen to reduce the chance of this happening as much as possible, including that he orders some tests to detect cholesterol levels and blood pressure, and some medications may be prescribed to help control cholesterol levels and blood pressure if necessary.


Tips to prevent fatty liver

damage Of the treatment options that contribute to reducing the development of cirrhosis of the liver, such as drugs and surgeries, and in severe cases of cirrhosis and liver failure, a liver transplant may be performed for the affected person, and it is indicated that studies are still ongoing, some studies on the efficacy of some studies Ancient and modern medicines in the treatment of fatty liver disease and its associated complications.


Overview of Liver Fat

The liver naturally contains a small percentage of fat, but if this percentage is high and exceeds the normal limit, you may be diagnosed with fatty liver disease, and usually experts consider that if liver fat makes up more than 5-15% of Its normal weight is enough to diagnose fatty liver disease, and it is noteworthy that this disease often does not lead to serious health problems, and does not usually affect the ability of the liver to function, but it may lead to liver damage in some special circumstances. It is worth noting that the accumulation of fat in the liver is not usually accompanied by symptoms in the affected person, but in some cases the person may suffer from fatigue, a general feeling of illness, turmoil or discomfort of unknown cause, discomfort or slight pain in the area of ​​​​the liver in the abdomen .



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