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5 dangers to your health, tattoos - Care Beauty

5 dangers to your health, tattoos

5 dangers to your health, tattoos

Tattoo damage makes you think a lot before doing a tattoo anywhere on your body. Getting a tattoo or tatto is very common nowadays. Many people notice that tattoos have become widespread all over the world and many people have. Also, many people have done permanent tattoos using ink all over the world since ancient times. And getting a tattoo has now become associated with a symbolic meaning or associated with a specific person. Although tattoos may look cool, there are some health risks associated with tattooing on the skin.

How many people have tattoos?

Tattoos were popular with many subcultures, and are now mainstream. Some celebrities from the people of art and sports started drawing tattoos on their bodies until tattoos became a general culture.

According to statistics published by the Pew Research Center, young Americans in the 18-25 age group are expressing themselves through their appearance, and tattoos have become one of the most common forms of expression of their appearance. Statistics also indicate that one out of every 3 people has at least one tattoo. Despite this spread of tattoos, there are many health risks of tattooing on the skin, which we must know.

The harms of tattoos and the potential health risks of tattooing

1- The damages of tattoos and the risk of infection

Tattooing in an unsanitary environment or using non-sterile equipment may pose a high risk of infection. Regardless of the safety standards that the person who tattoos you follows, you do have to worry about the ink used in the tattoo itself. In some cases, infection can occur as a result of using ink contaminated with bacteria or mold. Unsterilized water used to dilute the ink may also be a potential factor in the spread of infection. According to the US Food and Drug Administration, “there is no sure way to know if the ink is safe. Ink can become contaminated even if the container is sealed or the label says the product is sterile.”

2- The damage of tattoos, the risk of exposure to allergies

Although it is rare for people to develop an allergic reaction to tattoos using ink, tattoo damage may occur because it contains allergens such as nickel and mercury. This allergic reaction may cause the skin to become infected, scarred, red or swollen. The most common allergic reaction is acute inflammation. The skin may also develop allergic reactions as a result of exposure of the tattooed area to sunlight. If you suffer from persistent allergies, you should consult a dermatologist immediately.

3- Tattoos and other reactions on the skin

Since the tattoo process involves digging under the layers of the skin, it is normal for your skin to react negatively to it. One of the disadvantages of tattooing is that scars  and tissues may develop over the tattooed area. This usually happens when the needle is inserted too deep, causing tissue damage. According to the FDA, it is also possible to develop a granuloma, which is a small nodule or bump that forms around a substance that the body considers foreign.

4- Tattoo and MRI scan

There are some reports that indicate that the radiofrequency waves produced by the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) tattoo may be hampered by the substances in the tattoo ink. Some studies have reported that patients who have tattoos may suffer first-degree burns on MRI exposure.

5- Exposure to permanent scars when removing tattoos

The tattoo removal process is not as simple as drawing a tattoo. Where you need a laser to get rid of tattoos under the skin. And the Food and Drug Administration indicates that there are some effects that may affect the skin as a result. In addition, the process is very painful and may cause permanent scars on the skin.



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