
How to lose 5 kilograms in a week by dieting yogurt and Nescafe

How to lose 5 kilograms in a week by dieting yogurt and Nescafe

For women who suffer from obesity or a little extra weight, this goal can be achieved by following a special daily diet program for 7 days based on eating natural yogurt and Nescafe  as two main types. In the meantime, it is also important to exercise and drink enough water daily. And you should refrain from eating foods that contain a lot of harmful fats and sugars. Thus, it is always possible to maintain fitness without fear of gaining weight.   

Program to lose 5 kilograms in a week 

It is not difficult to lose 5 kilos in one week. In order to achieve this goal, it is useful to identify a new food program based on eating natural yogurt and Nescafe as two basic types.    


During this meal, you must first eat the natural yogurt and Nescafe milkshake. It helps burn harmful fats that accumulate in different areas of the body.  
A cup of ice cubes Two cups of
low-fat natural yogurt free of sweeteners and 
additives Two tablespoons of Nescafe 
A cup of hot water 
 Two tablespoons of natural honey 

The ingredients are mixed well and a cup of the shake obtained during breakfast is drunk daily.  

 the lunch 

On the first, third and seventh days. Two medium-sized pieces of lean chicken meat, a plate of lettuce salad with a little olive oil and lemon juice. 
The second and fifth days. You can eat a medium-sized piece of grilled meat without fat with a plate of cabbage and tomato salad. 
The fourth and sixth days. Two medium-sized pieces of grilled fish fillet, a plate of cucumber and tomato salad with a little lemon juice and olive oil.  



During this meal, you can eat 4 small pieces of brown toast with a cup of fat-free natural yogurt and sweeteners.  
 It is better, in order to lose 5 kilograms in one week, while following this diet, to be careful not to eat foods rich in artificial sugar. It is important to refrain from adding too much salt to dishes that need it.   
 Instead of sweets, this recipe, which contains yogurt and Nescafe, can be eaten in between meals.      

 2 medium tablespoons of Nescafe   A
cup of low-fat and sugar-free yogurt 
A teaspoon of natural coconut milk A teaspoon  of brown
 A slice of lemon 
Ice cubes  
1 Crush ice cubes with an electric mixer and pour into a serving glass. 
2 Mix the natural yogurt for at least 3 minutes with a teaspoon of coconut milk and a few drops of lemon juice, sugar and Nescafe. 
 3 Pour the mixture into an ice cup. Thus, it is possible to obtain an alternative juice for dessert while following a method to lose 5 kilograms in one week by dieting yogurt and Nescafe

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