
Laser skin resurfacing

Laser skin resurfacing


The skin is known as the largest organ in the human body and some of the living organisms, and the skin consists of two different layers, inside which there are several layers, for example the outer layer of it called the epidermis, and the inner layer called the dermis, and we will learn in this article about the method of laser skin restoration.

Laser skin restoration

This process is known as laser skin surface regeneration, so that the laser solves most of the skin problems by reducing wrinkles and spots resulting from skin pigmentation, and scars resulting from the impact of grains such as acne, and it is also known by other names, such as laser peeling and laser vaporization, and the process of laser skin restoration is carried out by vibrations known as high-concentration light rays, directed towards damaged skin tissue, and

Approved procedures for laser restoration:

There are several procedures to follow to perform laser restoration and we will list them as follows:

A qualified doctor should be selected for laser restoration, as it is considered a very delicate and delicate operation and the laser is considered very dangerous in the hands of inexperienced doctors.

The doctor preliminarily thoroughly examines the area of the skin to be restored and finds out its nature, whether there are factors that may affect the health of the skin and the person.

The doctor after the examination determines the treatment with great accuracy and is most suitable for the health of a person’s skin.

This discussion is very important so that the expectations are more realistic and some things such as risks and symptoms that may appear after the operation are reviewed.

Conduct of laser restoration and its parts:

Laser restoration is a delicate process and we will mention the course of each part of the process as follows:

Chemical peeling process: the doctor who specializes in the peeling process, grease a chemical substance on the skin such as glycolic acid, or trichlorastic acid, so that one of these types of acids is used in several levels in order to soften the skin faster and for a longer period of time, and before each chemical peeling is thoroughly cleaned skin using solutions to remove oils, and

Smoothing process: it is the surgical method used to restore and regenerate the skin, through which can smooth the shape of scars and deep wrinkles, the doctor in this process anesthetizes the person locally, and can use a frozen substance that leads to local anesthesia of the skin, and then the doctor uses a brush that rotates quickly to remove the top layer of

Laser restoration: the specialist directs the high-frequency laser waves on the area to be restored and the carbon dioxide evaporates the damaged upper layer of the skin very quickly without causing bleeding.

Damage of laser skin restoration

There are complications that may result after laser skin restoration:

Reactivate sores and pimples.

Changes in skin color or the appearance of dark spot and invoice.

Burns or other injuries from laser heat.

Appearance of skin scars.

Post skin restoration

There are some things that follow after the laser restoration and we will mention them as follows:

The doctor bandages the skin immediately after the laser restoration, thereby preventing the formation of a crust on the skin.

Lubricate the skin with a medicinal ointment in order to maintain the smoothness of the skin.

Most doctors recommend a light diet after laser ablation.

Doctors advise to avoid high temperatures, avoid any activity that could lead to the imbalance of the recovery process.

Inform your doctor immediately when cases of tingling, or infection to a few days after the operation.

Positive signs appear one or two weeks after the operation.

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