
Removing dead skin on the feet 19 recipes

If you are looking for ways to remove dead skin from the feet, you can follow one of these recipes and get rid of this problem permanently. One of the main reasons for the formation of dead skin on the feet is dehydration and lack of moisture. This is due to bathing in hot water, keeping the feet in water for a longer period of time, and low humidity that results from the use of harsh soaps. There are many natural recipes to get rid of dead skin on the feet, which are natural and safe ways. And cost effective. Because dead skin makes the feet look older than their real age and tend to add more years to your appearance, that is why you need to try the home remedies shown below.

remove dead skin

remove dead skin

Causes of dead skin:

Complain about dead skin and want to remove dead skin? Do you have rough patches on your skin that make your feet look rough? Especially during the winter season, you may find dry skin and cracked heels, and this condition is usually due to the accumulation of skin cells around the feet. Calluses develop due to wearing tight shoes and a lot of pressure or friction on the skin of your feet, especially in the absence of socks, as they protect the foot from injury.

  • Weight gain: When your feet carry more weight than necessary, dead skin formation results.
  •  Standing for long hours: When you press down on your feet, there is a high chance of dead skin formation.
  • Harsh soaps: Some soap products may contain chemicals that are bad for your feet and as a result, the formation of dead skin cells.
  • Unsuitable shoes: Some people, especially women, when wearing high heels or tight socks can lead to dead skin cells on the feet.
  •  Air: If your feet do not get enough air, it can lead to the appearance of calluses.
  • Loss of natural oils: If you keep your feet in water, take long hot baths, use harsh soaps for long hours, or expose yourself to the sun for several hours, these cases result in the loss of natural oils in the feet and make the skin dry and tough.
  • Medical problems: There are medical problems such as vitamin deficiency, psoriasis, diabetes, and eczema from conditions that affect the skin of the feet and make it more dry.

remove dead skin

1. Warm water:

Warm water helps you relax your feet, and if you do this in the evening, it helps loosen dead skin cells on the feet that make the feet drier than usual.

Fill a bucket or basin with warm water and place your feet inside the bucket for 20 minutes. You may need a foot scrubber to remove dead skin cells and dry your feet properly after applying a moisturizing foot lotion.

2. Foot scrub:

Foot scrub is very effective in removing dead skin cells, you need to rub with warm water and soap to increase the softness of the feet. Some nutritious ingredients such as fruits, spices and some essential oils can be added to get a better result.

You can also use a pumice stone to clean dead skin and get rid of damaged tissue without causing damage to the feet. Try using liquid soap and washing your feet with it, then use a pumice stone to scrub away the dead cells, rinse your feet with running water, and dry with a soft towel.

Mix 1 cup of brown sugar, 2 tablespoons of lavender powder, 2 teaspoons of coconut oil, and 2 tablespoons of lavender oil, stir the ingredients together, store them in a bottle, and apply the mixture on the feet with a gentle massage and leave for 10-20 minutes.

3. Paraffin wax:

Paraffin wax is one of the effective natural moisturizers in getting rid of dead skin cells on the cracked feet. Because the moisturizing properties open the pores of the skin and moisturize the skin, as it helps preserve the natural oils of the skin and make the skin soft better than ever. You can get paraffin wax at the local spa.

Warm the paraffin wax in your microwave or a bowl, add a simple drop of coconut oil, apply the paste on the feet, leave the feet for a while, and wash the wax on your feet in the morning. dead skin cells away.

4. Glycerol:

Glycerin is one of the ingredients used to moisturize the skin before resorting to chemical treatments. You can find it in many other products such as toothpaste, shaving cream, soap, lotions, because it has moisturizing properties that remove dry skin cells and leave your feet for 20 minutes before washing with warm water and preferably regular daily for a few weeks.

5. Epsom salt:

It is known that English salt improves blood circulation around the feet area, and this makes it effective in getting rid of dead skin cells. It also contains magnesium, which rids you of foot toxins.

Wash your feet with mild soap, add a handful of salt and lukewarm water in the sink, soak your feet for 10 minutes, and dry your feet after that with Vaseline or some solution and do this daily for a week.

6. Mentholated Scrub:

You can benefit from a mentholated scrub that is very effective in getting rid of dry feet because it contains a lot of natural essential oils that act as a good ingredient for the skin. If you have some problems with fungi, a scrub can be effective.

Be sure to clean and dry your feet, apply a Mentholland foot scrub and put on a pair of socks and leave it on overnight. In the morning, wash with warm water.

 7. Lemon:

Lemon is one of the most effective home remedies for various skin problems. The citric acid in lemon juice can remove effective skin spots and dead tissues. At the same time, potassium increases the hydration of dry skin in the foot area, and the feet appear smoother.

Wash a fresh lemon properly and cut it into equal halves and squeeze to extract the juice in a bowl and mix it with warm water and soak your feet in the solution for 15-20 minutes. After that, you can use a foot scrubber or a pumice stone to remove the dead skin, then wash and dry your feet with a dry towel.

8. Vinegar:

If you want to remove the accumulated dead skin cells, vinegar is a very effective ingredient to get rid of skin cells and get softer cells and as a result you will have smooth skin on your feet.

Mix equal amounts of vinegar and water in a basin, add 2-3 tablespoons of an antiseptic lotion or Listerine, which is effective in killing bacteria and fungi, and soak your feet in this solution for 30 minutes, then dry your feet and apply a moisturizer.

9. Oatmeal:

If you want to get rid of dead skin on your feet, oatmeal is an effective remedy. The right mix of oatmeal gets rid of dead cells and also apply a moisturizer on your feet properly.

Mix oatmeal with rose water or even milk as you prefer, and leave the oatmeal on the feet for 30 minutes first before you start washing and put the paste on the lower part of your feet and rub. You can use a foot brush for better scrubbing.

10. Banana and Avocado Mix:

Banana is an effective way to nourish the skin because it contains a high percentage of potassium, which helps you get rid of dry and cracked skin cells. Use a ripe banana and mix the paste on the areas affected by the cracks to get rid of the dead skin around your feet effectively.

Mix a ripe banana to form a thick paste, add some avocado or honey if you want a more effective treatment and apply this paste on your feet for 15 minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water. It is preferable to repeat this treatment once or twice daily.

 11. Baking soda:

One of the best products for removing dead skin cells is baking soda because it helps restore the acidity of the skin and prevent infections that affect your feet.

Mix a quarter cup of baking soda with warm water in the sink and mix well until the baking soda is completely dissolved in the water. You can add fresh lemon juice to get more benefits and soak your feet for 30 minutes. If the water temperature is not warm, you can add some hot water, but not too hot because it harms the skin.

12. Aspirin:

Aspirin can be used to treat headaches and acne, in addition to that salicylic acid makes it an anti-inflammatory that helps remove dead skin and clots.

Crush 5-6 aspirin to get a powder and mix the powder with half a teaspoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of water to get a paste and apply the paste on the feet for 10-15 minutes.

13. Vaseline:

Vaseline is a common ingredient in many cosmetics, as it softens and moisturizes the skin.

Mix Vaseline with fresh lemon juice to get a paste, apply the mixture on the affected area and massage gently while leaving it on the feet for 10-15 minutes before washing with lukewarm water.

14. Honey:

Honey is a natural ingredient that has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties that help eliminate bacteria and fungi and effectively remove dead skin on your feet. In addition, it can moisturize the skin to help you build new cells.

Mix several tablespoons of honey with a quantity of lukewarm water in the basin and soak your feet in the mixture for 10-20 minutes, then dry and apply a quantity of moisturizer to your feet. You can do this several times daily because honey has no side effects on your skin.

15. Olive Oil and Castor Oil:

In order to prepare a natural moisturizing cream for dead skin, you can make a mixture of olive oil, castor oil and lavender oil that provides deep hydration to the skin because it provides the skin with nutrients, vitamins, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory substances that help soften and soften the feet.

Mix one tablespoon of olive oil and one tablespoon of castor oil with drops of lavender oil in a small bottle until the mixture becomes thick and milky. Apply the mixture on the toe and heel to moisturize and leave it for 30 minutes to moisturize the skin. Leave it for 30 minutes and wash it off with lukewarm water. You can do this daily until you get I have completely soft feet.

16. Spa to get rid of dead skin:

Fill a basin with lukewarm water, add some liquid soap, and soak your feet for 20 minutes. Now using a pumice stone and rubbing the dead skin before rinsing with cold water and applying a suitable moisturizer to the skin with repeated regulation, you get soft feet.

 17. Home peeling:

Combine 2 teaspoons lavender powder, 2 cups brown sugar, 10 drops lavender essential oil, 1 cup coconut oil, stir to stir. Store ingredients in an airtight bottle. Take enough mixture to massage in a circular motion for a few minutes and rinse with warm water.

18. Coffee scrub:

Combine 4 tablespoons of fresh coffee, 3 tablespoons of almond or olive oil, salt, and oatmeal or cornstarch with 2 drops of lavender oil. Stir the ingredients well and massage the mixture in a circular motion for a few minutes and rinse with warm water before drying.

19. Natural Moisturizing Cream:

Combine 1 tablespoon of olive oil and 2-3 drops of lemon or lavender oil and stir continuously until you get a creamy mixture and apply the solution to soften the skin and remove dead skin cells with regular repetition.

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