
The benefits of exercise for the human body

The benefits of exercise for the human body

The benefits of exercise for the human body





What are the benefits of exercise for the body, the health benefits of exercise, and the benefits of walking




Who among us plays sports?



Who among us makes exercise one of the basics of his life (a daily routine)?



How many hours do you spend sitting in front of the television, but how many minutes do you exercise?






Sport is considered one of the important basics in our lives, but many of us ignore its benefit. This may be because some people argue that they do not have the time to practice it and are busy. It may also be because its effect and benefit on the body does not occur in a short time, but rather requires a period of time that is linked to the factors of sport, the number of times it is practiced, willpower and determination. And regularity in practicing it.



Sport is important for all groups, as it is beneficial for young people, girls, pregnant and breastfeeding women, the elderly and the elderly, as well as the disabled.



Sports have many benefits, including:


Maintaining weight, preventing obesity, preventing diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart disease, strengthening the body’s muscles, alleviating the problems of joint diseases, rheumatism, and osteoporosis, and improving the psychological and moral state, as it helps relieve anxiety, depression, and psychological problems.



Psychological problems arise from burning fat stored in the body. Hence, we find that exercise is considered one of the basics of preventing many chronic diseases.



Where do we exercise and how?



It is not necessary to have equipment for exercising or specific places. Rather, many types of sports can be practiced without the need for special devices or places, such as: climbing the stairs several times, running in place, swimming, jumping rope, walking quickly, and riding a bike.



When you practice sports, you must know the following:


There is no best type of sport. Each one depends on the sport available to him. The benefits of sport begin to appear 6 weeks after its start and are complete after 6 months. Exercise must be done regularly so that it is three times a week and regularly. Less than that is of no benefit and it can be more than that. Or on a daily basis, provided that it is 20-30 minutes and not less than that, and drink a sufficient amount of water to prevent dehydration.

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