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Green and white clay mask for shiny and moisturized skin - Care Beauty

Green and white clay mask for shiny and moisturized skin

Clay has many and varied benefits, including lightening and moisturizing the skin. Learn more We will present you with a green and white clay mask for shiny and moisturized skin:


Green clay mask


How to use :


Mix two tablespoons of Moroccan green clay with two tablespoons of milk or water and add a few drops of rose water until a dough is formed.


Then spread it on your facial skin and leave it on your face for an hour until the clay dries, then wash your face with warm water and then with cold water.


It is used once every two weeks because it is a strong and effective exfoliation on the facial skin, eliminating the need to exfoliate your face with any other chemicals that may be harmful to your skin.


Its benefits:


Whitening and nourishing the skin and making it feel like baby skin.




White clay mask


How to use:


Mix two tablespoons of white clay with two tablespoons of milk or water and add drops of rose water until a dough is formed.


Then spread it on the facial skin and leave it on the face for an hour until the clay dries, then


You wash your face with warm water, then with cold water. You can use it once a week.


Note: These Moroccan types of clay differ from the black Moroccan lotion and the white Moroccan lotion, which are used with Moroccan baths.


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