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9 amazing health benefits of beans   - Care Beauty

9 amazing health benefits of beans  

9 amazing health benefits of beans






Many people do not prefer to eat beans due to their ignorance of their many benefits, as research has proven that the benefits of fava beans are countless, and they can be included in many food recipes and delicious soup dishes, especially in the winter.


If you are one of those who do not eat beans, you should reconsider that after seeing the amazing benefits reported by the American newspaper “Huffington Post”.


1- Beans delay aging

Black beans contain resveratrol, which preserves DNA and delays aging.


2- It contains effective antioxidants

Antioxidants work to prevent damage to the skin, the immune system, and the brain. These antioxidants are found in many fruits, such as berries, green tea, turmeric, and pomegranates. However, beans contain larger amounts of antioxidants, in addition to containing a special type of them that prevents enzymes from increasing Weight and diabetes.


3- Lowering blood pressure

Researchers carefully conducted 8 studies to see if adding beans to the diet would improve blood pressure. The studies included several types of beans, and all of them showed that eating beans significantly reduced blood pressure.


4- Cancer prevention

Cancer comes in second place after heart disease in terms of causing death. The most common types of cancer for adults include breast, liver, colorectal, prostate, and stomach cancer. Beans significantly reduce the risk of most of these types of cancer. Scientists are also trying to extract a medicine from beans to fight cancer. .


5- Reducing blood cholesterol

Eating one serving of beans daily reduces the risk of heart disease by up to 25%.


6- Reducing excess appetite

Beans reduce your cravings for sweets or fast food and make you feel like eating healthier foods.


7- Increase energy and lose excess weight

According to a study conducted on a group of people who followed a diet based on high levels of beans, there were noticeable improvements in their health, such as losing excess weight, reducing blood cholesterol, lowering blood pressure, and increasing activity.


8- Increasing beneficial bacteria in the intestines

The best way to help maintain beneficial bacteria in the intestines is to eat beans rich in fiber, which helps boost immune functions, skin repair and digestion on a regular basis.


9- Eliminate fungi

Eating ready-made foods, antibiotics, birth control pills, and stress can lead to the production of large amounts of intestinal yeast, which can weaken the immune system and produce toxins that cause inflammation. It has been proven that foods containing beans kill fungi and prevent the production of intestinal yeast.