
 6 Habits That Prevent Weight Loss by Slowing Metabolic Rate

 6 Habits That Prevent Weight Loss by Slowing Metabolic Rate

Metabolic rate is a parameter that shows the capacity of the body to convert the nutrients we consume into energy. Rapid functioning of metabolism; it is very important to lose weight and maintain weight. But some lifestyle habits can slow down your metabolism. These habits can make it harder to lose weight and even make you more prone to gaining weight in the future. Here are 6 habits that can slow down your metabolism…


1. Taking too few calories


Eating a very small amount of calories daily can significantly lower your metabolism. As is known, a calorie deficit is required for weight loss. However, too low your calorie intake can have the opposite effect. This can slow down or even stop your weight loss process. When you reduce your calorie intake significantly, your body reduces the rate at which it burns calories. Numerous studies have shown that consuming too few calories can slow down your metabolic rate. Before you create a calorie deficit to lose weight, make sure how much of the calories you need to go down, or consult a specialist.


2. Protein deficiency


Eating adequate amounts of protein is extremely important for reaching and maintaining a healthy weight. Protein makes you feel full for a long time. At the same time, it significantly increases the rate at which the body burns calories. The increase in metabolism that occurs after digestion is higher in protein than in carbohydrates or fat. Research shows that eating protein temporarily increases metabolism by 5-10% compared to carbohydrate and 3% compared to fat. Although the rate of metabolism inevitably slows down during weight loss, research shows that higher protein intake may minimize this effect.


3. Having a sedentary lifestyle


Being sedentary can result in a significant reduction in the number of calories you burn daily. Most people work sitting in their workplaces throughout the day. This, in particular, causes negative effects on metabolic rate and overall health. Exercising or playing sports has a big impact on the number of calories you burn. At the same time, even basic physical activities such as standing, cleaning and climbing stairs can help you burn calories. This type of activity is called non-exercise activity. One study says that high amounts of non-exercise activity can burn up to 2,000 ’ calories per day. However, the calories burned may not be the same for everyone.


4. Not getting enough sleep


Sleep is extremely important for health. Sleeping less than you need can increase your risk of a number of diseases, including heart disease, diabetes, and depression. Several studies indicate that insufficient sleep can lower your metabolic rate and increase your chances of gaining weight. One study showed that healthy adults who slept 5 hours a day for 4 nights in a row experienced an average decrease of 2.6% in resting metabolic rate.After 12 hours of uninterrupted sleep, their metabolic rates returned to normal. However, sleeping during the day instead of at night also reduces the efficiency you get from sleep and your body circadian rhythms corrupted. One study, for example, proved that prolonged insomnia along with circadian rhythm disruption reduced resting metabolic rate by an average of 8. At night, getting enough and quality sleep allows you to maintain your metabolic rate.


5. Drinking sugary drinks


Consuming large amounts of sugary drinks; insulin resistance can cause a variety of diseases such as diabetes and obesity. The harm of these drinks is caused by the fructose contained in them. Consuming a high amount of sugary drinks with fructose in them can reduce the metabolic rate. At the same time, it can cause fat storage in your stomach and liver.


6. Lack of strength training


To prevent your metabolism from slowing down, one of the best methods you can implement is to work with weights. Weight training has been proven to increase metabolic rate in healthy people as well as those with heart disease, those who are overweight or obese. Weight training increases muscle mass, which makes up most of the lean mass in your body. Having a higher amount of muscle mass significantly increases the number of calories you burn during rest


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