Honey to combat antibiotic-resistant bacteria

Bacteria become more dangerous to humans when they adapt and develop resistance to antibiotics quickly, which means that they will not be affected by these antibiotics, and that humans will not be able to resist their activity and reproduction. Therefore, medical institutions often advise against excessive use of antibiotics, and experts search for ways to reduce the types of bacteria that are resistant to them. Recent tests have proven that honey is capable of eliminating these antibiotic-resistant bacteria, as it plays an important role in combating them.


An enzyme is included in the composition of honey, which helps in the formation of hydrogen peroxide, various organic acids, various flavonoids, as well as a high percentage of sugar and polyphenols, all of which affect bacteria cells. Susan Meshvitz of Salvt Regina University, who is supervising the research, says that the properties of honey lie in its ability to fight infection at different levels, which prevents these microorganisms from multiplying. Experts explain this by the property of osmosis resulting from the high concentration of sugar in honey, where water is absorbed from the bacterial cells, leading to their drying and death.


It is known that honey has several benefits for the body, skin, and health, the most prominent of which is that honey can be used as a substitute for sugar, as it contains about 70% glucose and fructose, and it is also very easy to digest. Honey maintains blood sugar levels and also helps during muscle recovery. It is rich in a variety of vitamins and minerals. It contains a good amount of vitamin C, iron, and calcium. Honey is known for its antibacterial and antifungal properties. It can be used as a natural antiseptic, and it is also very beneficial for the skin and hair, as it is used in making “masks” for the face and hair.

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