
Benefits of turmeric in menopause and postmenopausal

Menopause and postmenopause involve a series of ongoing fluctuations (physical and mental) that affect a woman’s quality of life to a greater or lesser extent. Are you close to these steps or are you already going through one of them? If so, you may have already gone to the doctor and he has pointed out the importance of taking care of your lifestyle.

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Menopause and postmenopause involve a series of ongoing fluctuations (physical and mental) that affect a woman’s quality of life

Just because, habits help a lot when it comes to adding luxury. Eating healthy food, exercising regularly, getting good rest, applying stress management techniques, and following your specialist’s recommendations in other ways can help you cope better with the changes caused by menopause and postmenopause.
Added to all this is in alternative medicine: it is possible to enjoy the benefits of some natural ingredients, such as maca root, white tea, foods rich in antioxidants, and turmeric.

Benefits of turmeric in menopause and postmenopausal

Curcumin, the active compound in turmeric, has been shown to have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Turmeric is known in some countries as the “golden goddess.” Not only because of its distinctive golden color, for its exotic flavor or smell, but also because of the medicinal properties attributed to it. In Ayurvedic medicine it is considered an essential remedy for well-being and longevity.
Basically, it is credited with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, although according to some sources it may also have antimicrobial properties in some cases. All this for its curcumin content .
We’ll see more about turmeric below and how it can provide menopausal and postmenopausal benefits.

source of phytoestrogens

A lack of estrogen during menopause can lead to a number of health problems. For example: sleep disturbances, vaginal dryness, joint pain, mood changes, low bone density, cardiovascular disease, etc.

A phytoestrogens are plant metabolites that mimic or modulate the activity of estrogen in the body.

For this reason, there are instances where phytoestrogen supplements are suggested as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy.

Turmeric will help deal with the fluctuations of menopause and post-menopause because it is a phytoestrogen. In general, it is said to help increase and balance estrogen levels naturally.


To some extent, it can be said that turmeric has analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects which can come in handy if you experience physical discomfort during menopause and after menopause. For example, migraines, mild muscle and joint pain, and general malaise associated with fatigue.

against heat waves

Hot flashes are one of the most common conditions that postmenopausal women experience. It is a feeling of intense heat with sweating and tachycardia . Low estrogen levels are thought to be responsible for these symptoms.
As mentioned, turmeric can be helpful in regulating estrogen levels if it is regularly included in the diet after consulting your family doctor.


Symptoms of depression are very common during menopause. . In many cases, they are related to sleep disturbance and stress, although these are not the only factors involved.
Curcumin has been noted to have the potential as a natural antidepressant . It is also effective in controlling anxiety.
On the other hand, it has been identified recent research at this there is a possible link between depression and excessive inflammation. It is not yet clear whether inflammation causes depression or vice versa.
In any case, it has been suggested that turmeric’s anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties can be very beneficial.
Read: Turmeric and Ginger Drink to Speed ​​Up Metabolism and Lose Weight

Other benefits of turmeric

This can help you lose those extra pounds.

The transition that occurs during menopause is not limited to hormones, bleeding, or reduced immunity. It also extends to body weight. Thus, an increase in adipose tissue in the abdominal area is a common finding.
Hormone replacement therapy can reduce weight gain. But what if we opted for an alternative like turmeric?

It can regulate fat metabolism.

It prevents the formation of fat and the development of fatty tissue .

It will have a certain capacity for antioxidant activity that would contribute to the health of the whole organism.

Can maintain bone health

Estrogen deficiency can reduce bone formation. This leads to weak bones, making them susceptible to fractures, lowered immunity and the onset of rheumatoid arthritis.
In this sense, turmeric — which is incorporated into a balanced diet — can help reduce inflammation. At the same time, it would activate the antioxidant defense system, thus reducing the development of problems such as rheumatoid arthritis.

How do you benefit from it?

It is best to include turmeric in your diet in moderation. Enjoy a variety of recipes, such as saffron fruit juice, a soak, a delicious Indian dish or even a dessert.
Turmeric supplements are also available in health food stores and herbalists. However, before starting any intake consult your doctor to be safe with it.


No negative effects have been reported from consuming turmeric in a regular diet. However, turmeric supplements (and any other natural ingredients) should be taken with caution. In this way, we can avoid allergic reactions and risks from improper doses.
It is advised to take special precautions in case of diabetes, pregnancy, lactation, gallbladder disorders and preoperative stages

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