Ways to take care of toenails


Nail care in general is a matter of concern to women and occupies a large space in their lives, and many women want to take care of their feet in general and toenails in particular.
Steps and methods for caring for the toenails, according to the “care beauty” website.


Cut the tips of the nails straight.

– cleaning nails; Cleaning is the basis of beautiful feet and nails, so it is recommended to wash the feet daily at least before going to sleep, and to use an antibacterial lotion.

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– peeling; Exfoliation is known to remove dead skin layers, which make the feet appear dry and dirty. It is recommended to apply the natural scrub on the feet and massage for several minutes while showering to remove the dead skin. You can use a natural scrub made of brown sugar and olive oil and you will notice wonderful softness for the feet.

– Moisturizing; Moisturizing is a necessary step to get rid of dry feet and nails, and olive oil can be used to massage the nails and feet after washing them, and it is an effective treatment for brittle nails and peeling.

– Avoid applying nail polish during the period of nail care and treatment; It causes dryness of the nails.

Remove the outer layer from the toenails.

Clean the area around the toenails with a special cleaning needle, making sure that it is sterile and clean.

Trim toenails regularly, at least once every two weeks.

File the toenails.

Coat the toenails with protective nail polish.

Take vitamins and biotin pills, according to studies that say that taking vitamin B makes nails stronger.

Avoid using nail polish remover (acetone), as it causes dryness to the toenails.

Consult a specialist doctor if you notice yellowing on the toenails, as yellowing is a sign of a health problem in the body, such as problems with the thyroid gland, psoriasis, or diabetes.

Clean the area under the toenails with a toothbrush, by putting a little soap on the toothbrush and gently rubbing the toenails with it.

Wash your toenails daily to avoid infection with fungi.

It is necessary to dry the toenails well after washing them.

Soak the feet in warm water for 15 minutes, to give softness to the toenails. A kind of favorite essential oil can be added to the water.

Avoid wearing tight shoes, as they cause the appearance of fungi on the toenails.

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