6 “Healthy” Food that Fitness Professionals Avoid Consuming

The pressure to eat nutritious foods and lead a healthy lifestyle is nothing new, of course. But many people are confused by the recent trends that promote “healthy living”. Should we use protein powder or is it harmful? Should we eat meat or vegan? While increasing fruit and vegetable consumption, focusing on energizing proteins and whole grains are among the recommended by fitness professionals, some foods that count as “healthy” are actually not that helpful. Professional fitness coaches, sports nutritionists and physical therapists have shared foods they personally try to avoid. We have brought them together for you. Remember, not all diets are suitable for everyone, so it is best to consult your doctor before making dietary changes.


1. Light dairy products


Skimmed milk has been a big part of diet culture for years. But experts often think that low-fat dairy products aren’t as beneficial as they look. You need to consume fat so that your body can absorb fat-soluble vitamins, such as A, D, E and K. Light products may have fewer calories, but these products contain more sugar to make up for less fat.


For example, full-fat yogurt contains 7 grams of sugar in one serving, while lean yogurt of the same size can have 10 grams of sugar. Moreover, low-fat yogurt may not feel as full-fat. Overall, nutritionists and fitness coaches say full-fat products should be preferred over low-fat dairy products. But on condition to reduce the portion. For example, instead of a bowl of light yogurt, you should not eat half a bowl of full-fat yogurt.


2. Sports and energy drinks


Energy drinks have been an important place in gyms for many years. University students looking for energy and night shift workers also frequently consume these drinks. But experts warn that energy drinks do more harm than good. Because these products are full of harmful ingredients and sugar.


3. Protein bars


Protein is one of the cornerstones of a healthy diet. Protein bars are marketed as healthy and energizing foods for people and athletes who work at an intense pace. When you look at the ingredients of these foods, you will find that they are usually full of artificial sugar and harmful substances. Compare a protein bar and a chicken breast. Yes, they may contain similar amounts of protein, but that protein bar is actually a chocolate bar with protein in it. Highly processed, packed with artificial sweeteners. It will certainly not give you the same energy, nutrients and building blocks as chicken.


4. Granola


This substance may surprise you because granolas are often marketed as healthy diet foods. But prepackaged granolas are usually no different from other boxed breakfast cereals. Granolas contain large amounts of sugar and artificial substances that have no nutritional value. Even if ready-made brands of granola claim to be whole grain, low fat or organic, they are usually full of added sugar. Granola consists mainly of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates with high sugar levels of starch are burned rapidly in the body, raise blood sugar abruptly, are nutrient-deficient and do not keep you full or energetic enough. It can even and even damage energy levels.


5. Herbal based meat products


The rise of plant-based “et” products has been fast and impressive, with popular fast food chains now featuring meat-free burger patties on their menus. Some of these can be delicious and practical. But many products are heavily processed and contain sodium, preservatives and artificial substances. It is much better to stick to whole, food, such as vegetables, whole grains, and low-fat proteins to support our health and fitness goals.


6. Gluten-free bread


People with celiac disease or other forms of gluten intolerance should not consume gluten. But those who do not have such diseases should definitely stay away from gluten-free products. Gluten is a type of protein found in grains like wheat, barley and rye. This is why it should be in your nutrition routine.

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