What You Need to Know Before Using Biotin and Collagen Supplement

Collagen and biotin supplements have become incredibly popular in recent years. The moment you enter the pharmacy, you will probably encounter products with collagen and biotin in them. In fact, there is a very simple reason. These two supplements are thought to support healthy skin, hair and nails. What are biotin and collagen? How to take biotin and collagen in food without spending money on supplements? If you are ready, let us examine the details together.


What is biotin?

Biotin is another term used for B7, an essential vitamin. When a vitamin is considered “temel”, this means that the body does not produce it on its own and therefore must take it through diet or supplementation. Like all B vitamins, biotin is essential for the healthy functioning of our body. Biotin is especially useful for breaking down fats, carbohydrates and proteins. Apart from this, biotin intake is extremely important in the body to support healthy hair, skin and nails.


What is collagen?


Collagen is a fibrous protein, even the most abundant protein in our body, because it forms the connective tissues in our body: bones, cartilage, skin, tendons, etc. About 30% of the total protein content in our body is collagen. Collagen is produced naturally in the body by combining amino acids with other nutrients such as zinc, copper and vitamin C. It supports the elasticity and moisture of the skin, so it is also known as “young spring”. It is thought to delay aging. The amount of collagen our body produces begins to decrease after the age of 25. Other life factors, such as smoking, spending too much time in the sun, and not getting enough sleep, can also reduce collagen production.


Natural way to take biotin and collagen: Balanced nutrition


While the claims that biotin is good for hair, skin, and nail health are true, most people are already taking the biotin they need during the day. If we come to collagen; although some data shows that this protein can make your skin healthier, experts say more research is needed to solidify this claim. Regardless, everyone agrees that a well-rounded diet is the most natural and safest way to get “beauty” nutrients, such as biotin and collagen.


Biotin-rich foods are as follows:


Egg yolk


Nuts Seeds like pumpkin seeds Foods that promote collagen production:Meat

Bone broth

Gelatin produced from bone marrowBeans Dairy products

SoyFruits with vitamin C, zinc and copper, which help in the production of collagen, leafy greens and root vegetables


Should you take biotin and collagen supplements?


Before taking any supplements, you should ask yourself these questions:


Does this product really have active ingredients that it claims to have?Is there evidence to support the use of the product?Is the company that produces the supplement reliable?Has it been tested by third parties and contains any contaminants?Did I consult my doctor before taking it?


As we mentioned above, you can get biotin and collagen into your body through nutrients. However, if you think you need these supplements, you should consult a doctor. Because variables such as age, gender, weight, and lifestyle can change the amount of recommended use of supplements.



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