
What does healthy food mean?

What does healthy food mean?

Healthy food: Eating healthy food and following a balanced diet is important in order to maintain good health and feel better, as the foods we eat every day have a significant impact on our health, so many studies have shown the links between diet and common serious diseases in our current time.

Healthy eating is defined as eating correct amounts of foods from all food groups in order to live a healthy life, and is referred to as a healthy diet.

The benefits of healthy food are protection from heart disease and stroke by eating vegetables, fruits, polyunsaturated fats, monounsaturated fats, and fish, which reduces exposure to heart disease and strokes.

Reducing excess weight and staying away from obesity; By consuming dietary fiber and carbohydrates in our diet. Treat eye diseases by eating protective dark green vegetables. Control blood pressure by eating low-fat dairy products, vegetables, fruits, beans, fish, and foods rich in potassium.

Fight breast cancer, control colorectal cancer, and avoid prostate cancer. Fight bone loss by eating foods rich in vitamin D, vitamin K, and calcium.

Avoid birth defects by eating dark green leafy vegetables, fortified cereals, and bread. Reduce the severity of Alzheimer’s disease by eating whole grains, fruits and vegetables. Ingredients of healthy food Water The human body contains fifty-seven liters of fluid, and five liters are excreted daily through sweat, urine, breathing, and evaporation, so the body needs eight cups of water per day as a minimum.

Protein materials: Foods rich in protein materials are as follows: meat, legumes, eggs, milk, and nuts. These materials are involved in: the formation of clotting factors in the blood, and the synthesis of hormones that provide the body with energy.

Synthesis of red blood cells and antibodies that fight diseases.

Fatty substances Foods rich in fatty substances are as follows: flaxseed oil, corn oil, sunflower seed oil, olive oil, and fish. They are beneficial to the human body because they: transport many vitamins to the areas where they are absorbed in the body to benefit from them in order to provide the body with energy. and the conduct of independent operations. It protects a person from feeling hungry because it burns slowly, unlike sugary foods.

Note: Nutrition experts recommend using unsaturated fats in preparing foods, salads, and soups. Sugary substances are taken from fruits, vegetables, and grains, and provide some building materials for the body’s organs and tissues, and a person must obtain a sufficient amount of them daily.

Vitamins and mineral elements we get from the food we eat, and they are useful in: regulating the process of synthesis and construction in the body’s various tissues and cells. Continuing life in order to enjoy health and well-being away from diseases.

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