
Useful mixtures of mint for weight loss

Useful mixtures of mint for weight loss

I have always used several recipes and mixtures for weight loss without realizing that the main ingredient is in your hands… All women want to have a slim body, but they immediately go to creams and pills for weight loss, and spend huge amounts of money, and the result is not always guaranteed. As for the basic universe of slimming, it is present in every home and its uses are many in the kitchen, but you did not know that it is suitable for losing weight, so we will present to you today through this article about the femininity of the benefits of mint for losing weight easily.

The first mixture: a mixture of mint and cucumber





>- Mix in the electric blender the juice of one whole lemon with half a cup of water with a piece of cucumber and 6 leaves of mint >


>- Drink this mixture daily in the morning before eating.>


> The second mixture: mint tea with lemon>


>- Boil a jug of water on the stove and add a handful of dried mint and a spoonful of lemon juice to it.>

>- Drink the mixture daily, one cup in the morning before eating and one cup before bed to burn belly fat.

>The third mixture: mint to burn belly fat completely>


>- Prepare a cup of green tea without adding sugar to it, and when boiling, add 10 leaves of green mint and a spoonful of vinegar >

>Grated ginger and a spoonful of dried pomegranate peels.>

>- Leave the mixture for 10 minutes on the fire, then strain it and drink it after each meal.

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