
A korean way to get rid of wrinkles..!!

A korean way to get rid of wrinkles..!!

How to prevent wrinkles Korean?

Korean invention that has now proven to be a game-changer in beauty

South Korean researchers presented their recent studies, which relate to the effects of strawberry and pomegranate fruits in getting rid of skin wrinkles, and the results were as follows:
• Strawberries and pomegranates contain an acid called Ellagic acid, which prevents damage to the collagen secreted by the skin, and thus this acid reduces the incidence of facial wrinkles resulting from exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun.
. • The results also indicated that Ellagic acid inactivates compounds that contain oxygen free radicals, which are the main cause of skin wrinkles.
• As for the ways of using pomegranate and strawberry fruits to get rid of wrinkles, they were limited to external masks, which are periodically applied to the skin, but this does not prevent the effects of these fruits if they are eaten, but external use is the most effective.
• Take full advantage of the pomegranate by grinding it in the electric mixer, and you can use the pomegranate as a simple task, and you can use it as a compound mask by adding a spoonful of olive oil, and another of rose water until you have a soft mixture.
• As for strawberries, you only need to rub the strawberry directly on your face with light pressure until the skin absorbs it well. Keep rubbing the strawberry on your face with circular movements similar to a massage until it disappears completely…

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