9 ways to use vitamin E to treat wrinkles

Wrinkles were and still represent a terrifying nightmare for women. Those unwanted wrinkles that appear on the face and skin cause them anxiety that turns with time into something like depression. Wrinkles have always been associated with aging, but it’s not just that anymore, wrinkles have become a problem for some young girls.



But why do wrinkles appear?

The skin maintains its elasticity thanks to the secretion of collagen and elastin in the body, and any deficiency in these two compounds leads to the skin losing its elasticity, and then the appearance of wrinkles.

  • Collagen and elastin deficiency usually occurs gradually with age, so wrinkles have been associated with aging symptoms.

Aging is a common cause of wrinkles, but it is not the only cause; Excess stress, anxiety, lack of sleep, poor diet, long-term medication, and chronic diseases all contribute to the appearance of wrinkles on the skin.

  • The first appearance of wrinkles on the skin is around the eyes, forehead, and chin. Although wrinkles are a natural problem that cannot be completely eliminated; However, it can be greatly reduced.

The cosmetics market is full of many compounds that fight the appearance of wrinkles, but these compounds contain chemicals that have side effects that are harmful to the moisture of the skin, so to avoid these harmful effects; It is preferable to use natural remedies.

  • One of the best natural remedies that fights the appearance of wrinkles is vitamin R In addition to being a natural remedy; It is also an effective, inexpensive, and simple treatment that is easy to use.

Can vitamin E reduce the appearance of wrinkles?

Vitamin E has an amazing effect on the skin, hair, nails, and the body in general, so it is used in the manufacture of many medicines and cosmetics. This vitamin can be obtained naturally by eating vegetables, fruits, nuts, and some vegetable oils.

Vitamin E has proven superior ability to reduce the appearance of wrinkles for the following reasons:

  1. Vitamin E is characterized by its antioxidant properties that fight the appearance of harmful free radicals in the body, thus preventing the process of wrinkle formation, and keeping the skin supple and tight.
  2. Vitamin E has a cell rebuilding property, which helps repair and restore damaged cells.
  3. Very important for dry skin, as it is more prone to the appearance of wrinkles, as it helps moisturize it from the depths.
  4. Vitamin E is characterized by its natural ability to clean, as it cleans the skin of dirt and dead cells, allowing the skin to breathe.

How to use vitamin   E to treat wrinkles

Vitamin E olive oil massage

Olive oil is one of the best wrinkle treatments, so mixing a few drops of it with a few drops of Vitamin E oil enhances Vitamin E’s anti-oxidant and wrinkle-fighting properties.

  1. Mix 4 tablespoons of olive oil with one tablespoon of vitamin E oil.
  2. Use the oil mixture to massage the skin for 10-20 minutes.
  3. To get the best massage result, do it right before bed, and leave the oil on your skin overnight.
  4. It is preferable to do this massage daily to prevent wrinkles.

Vitamin E mask

One of the best ways to benefit from vitamin E is to eat foods that contain it. It is the best way to ensure that the vitamin reaches all parts of the skin. You can also benefit from vitamin E by making a face mask, the mask is made of cream mixed with almonds and honey. Almonds are a good source of vitamin E and skin-nourishing fats. The mask works to reduce wrinkles to a large extent, and gives the skin a silky smooth touch.

  1. Soak 8-10 almonds for an entire night
  2. In the morning, grind the almonds with a spoonful of honey with a spoonful of milk cream until a thick paste is formed.
  3. Apply the cream on the face, and leave it for at least 20 minutes.
  4. Wet your fingers with a little water and then do a simple facial massage for 5 minutes.
  5. Wash the face with clean water, and dry it.
  6. Keep the mask on every day.

Chickpea flour mask with almond oil and lemon juice

These ingredients are very rich in vitamin E and vitamin C, which can make great masks from them that reduce wrinkles significantly. Chickpea flour also works as a good exfoliator for the skin, as it eliminates dead cells and dirt.

  1. Take two tablespoons of chickpea flour, two tablespoons of almond oil, and the juice of half a fresh lemon and put them in a bowl.
  2. Pour enough water over the mixture to mix into a thick paste.
  3. Apply the mixture to the face to make a mask for 20 minutes.
  4. Wet the face with a little water, then gently peel the mask off the face.
  5. Wash the face with clean water, then dry it.
  6. Apply this mask daily.

Papaya, banana, and honey mask

Papaya is one of the best anti-wrinkles, as it is rich in vitamin E and vitamin C. Bananas are also one of the best skin moisturizers.

  1. Mash a slice of ripe papaya with half a banana and two tablespoons of honey.
  2. Apply the mashed mixture to the face and neck as a mask.
  3. Leave the mask on the skin for at least 20 minutes.
  4. Wet your fingers with a little water and then do a simple facial massage for 10 minutes.
  5. Wash the face with clean water, then dry it.
  6. Do the mask daily to prevent signs of wrinkles.

Vitamin rich salad

Fresh salads are rich in vitamins in general, and vitamin E in particular, and they are also rich in minerals and antioxidants that fight the appearance of wrinkles. A plate of fresh salad daily reduces the chances of wrinkles significantly.

  1. In a clean bowl, place chopped fresh spinach, chopped carrots, chopped tomatoes, chopped peppers, and a handful of pumpkin seeds.
  2. Add leafy greens with a cup of mustard greens and a spoonful of salt, then crush the mixture.
  3. Add the vegetables and mustard mixture to the salad, then add a tablespoon of olive oil.
  4. Stir ingredients well before eating.
  5. Eating a plate of this salad daily combats the appearance of wrinkles.

Smoothie rich in vitamins

Fruits are one of the best ways to provide the body with vitamins in general and vitamin E in particular. Fruits are rich in vitamins, minerals, fiber, and antioxidants. With fruits, we can make a smoothie rich in vitamin E, such as almond milk smoothie, almonds, pumpkin seeds, mango, and papaya, which works to resist the appearance of wrinkles.

  1. In the blender, put two almonds, a spoonful of pumpkin seeds, and run the blender until the ingredients turn into a fine powder.
  2. Put ½ cup of peeled papaya and avocado pieces.
  3. Fruits are crushed with a blender.
  4. In a blender we put 1-2 cups of almond milk, half a cup of ice, with the mixture of fruits, almonds and pumpkin seeds until a delicious smoothie is formed.

Tomato mask with sesame oil and almonds

From these ingredients, a mask can be made for all skin types. Sesame oil is rich in vitamin E, which reduces the appearance of wrinkles and moisturizes the skin. As for tomatoes, they are rich in vitamin E and vitamin C, and many skin nutrients that give freshness to the skin.

  1. Put in a bowl a medium-sized ripe tomato, then add a teaspoon of sesame oil to it, then add a sufficient amount of almond flour, then mix the ingredients together in the blender.
  2. When the previous mixture turns into a paste, we put it on the face, and leave it to dry.
  3. We moisten the face with water a little, then start peeling the mask gently.
  4. Wash the face with clean water, then dry it.
  5. Do the mask daily to prevent signs of wrinkles.

Healthy Snacks

Almonds, hazelnuts, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, and pine nuts are all excellent sources of vitamin E. These substances can be added to the diet to take advantage of their benefits in general, and their ability to straighten wrinkles in particular.

Vitamin-rich massage gel

An example of a gel rich in vitamin E is aloe vera gel, which is rich in vitamin, along with some useful oils that fight the appearance of wrinkles.

  1. Gather mature aloe vera leaves, slit them lengthwise, and collect fresh aloe vera gel in a clean bowl.
  2. Add to half a cup of aloe vera gel 5 drops of red raspberry seed oil, flaxseed oil, and argan seed oil, with the addition of a tablespoon of sweet almond oil.
  3. Mix the above ingredients well, then apply it to the face, neck, or body.
  4. We do a skin massage for 10-15 minutes by cutting the inner aloe vera.
  5. Leave the ingredients on the face after massaging for 20-30 minutes.
  6. Take a warm shower and pat the skin dry with a soft towel.
  7. Repeat this massage once a week.

Tips and precautions

  1. When using vitamin E capsules, use capsules from a trusted commercial company.
  2. The use of vitamin E on the outer skin is not enough to resist wrinkles, eat foods rich in the vitamin as well.
  3. Excessive use of vitamin E capsules has harmful side effects, consult your doctor before using any capsules

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