6 tips to rest your eyes

6 tips to rest your eyes


Place compresses of frozen cucumber slices over your eyelids for about ten minutes

Are your eyes tired and dark circles appearing? Do you eat healthy foods during the holy month of Ramadan?


During the month of fasting, your eyes are exposed to many factors that cause them to wilt, become tired, and swell around them due to staying up until suhoor time and watching Ramadan series, in addition to abstaining from food all day.


Here are the most important tips to rest your eyes during the holy month of Ramadan and maintain their freshness and shine:

1- My dear, in order to have brighter and healthier eyes, make sure to enrich your breakfast and suhoor with various dishes of vegetables, fruits and milk.


2- Eat a plate of varied vegetable salad (fatoush) for breakfast and a meal of fruit at suhoor (bananas and oranges, for example, or apples and oranges).


3- Focus your breakfast on foods rich in vitamin A, which the eyes need. This vitamin is found in abundance in carrots, spinach, and others. Also, focus on the vitamin B group found in legumes and red meat.


4- Place compresses of frozen cucumber slices over your eyelids for about ten minutes to relieve them from the trouble of staying up late and tired, and to remove puffiness and darkening.


5- Use cold chamomile tea or black tea compresses over your eyelids for about ten minutes. This will refresh the area around the eyes.


6- Drink water intermittently after two and a half hours of breakfast, because water provides us with moisture and refreshment, helps the body drain accumulated toxins, and improves the functioning of the kidneys, which reflects health and brightness in the look of the eyes.



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