
4 Ways to use mint to refresh the skin

4 Ways to use mint to refresh the skin

Summer is one of the seasons in which the skin suffers from many health problems, but fortunately there are some natural remedies on hand, and help in treating this, the most famous of which are fresh and succulent herbs.

One of these herbs that are essential in the summer is mint, which increases the cooling effect, in addition to the ideal additional benefits for the skin, let’s learn about it through this report.


Benefits of mint for the skin:

The presence of certain phytochemicals explains the therapeutic benefits of mint leaves. These flavonoids, phenols, and carotenoids are naturally occurring antioxidant compounds that play a key role in giving mint leaves important immune-stimulating, anti-allergic and anti-inflammatory properties.

Mint leaves contain salicylic acid, which has anti-inflammatory properties, and vitamin A, which regulates the secretion of sebum in the skin, and acne outbreaks are more common in people with oily skin and see a rise during the summer, but the strong anti-inflammatory effects of mint leaves can Effectively treat dry and itchy skin, as well as cuts and mosquito bites.

Now, that you know these very amazing benefits of mint leaves, you must be wondering how to use them for your skin, and we will introduce you to them through the following lines:


1. Mint and Banana Mask

Bananas are rich in vitamins, potassium, amino acids, zinc and other nutrients that nourish and moisturize the skin, also known to prevent damage and fade acne scars, mint also improves the health and elasticity of the skin and makes it look radiant.

How to use: Crush a few mint leaves with one piece of a ripe banana, put this mixture for 15 minutes and wash it off using cold water.


2. Mint Toner

For a refreshing spray that will invigorate your senses, and lighten up your dull, tired skin, mint water powder is the perfect tool this summer.

How to use: Chop one cup of mint leaves, and set it aside to prepare the toner, then boil a cup and a half of water, then add the chopped mint leaves, cover with a lid, and turn off the heat after boiling, and once the mixture cools, filter it and keep it in a clean, dry bottle with a nozzle. spray.


3. Mint yoghurt mask

This mixture is one of the best that you can offer for your skin, as it has many advantages that are combined between mint leaves and yoghurt, most notably removing excess oils in the skin, and helping to restore the moisture balance of your skin.

How to use: Mix a teaspoon of curd, then add some crushed mint leaves, then add a few drops of honey and mix well, put the mask on the face for 15 minutes, then wash with cold water.


4 . Mint and rose water serum

Rose water is one of the best substances to soothe inflamed skin. It also helps improve your skin tone through the moisturizing properties of glycerin. Mint leaves can be used to treat acne and slow down the aging process. When you combine all these ingredients, you can create a powerful face serum that can treat any skin problem. On healthy and problem-free skin, it is recommended to apply this light face serum on a daily basis.

How to use: Crush 8-10 mint leaves, then transfer the green paste into a glass bowl, add 10 ml of rose water to it, add 7-8 drops of glycerin and shake well, put the mixture in the refrigerator and soak together, then filter the contents the next day Transfer it all to a clean dropper bottle, and finally apply this serum to your face, whenever you feel irritated and dry

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