10 ways to improve memory

Many of us suffer at times from forgetting and constantly losing any information or appointments, even passwords used in certain places. Here are 10 tips that may help you strengthen your memory and increase concentration:


1- Convince yourself that you have a good memory that can be improved


In fact, you can convince yourself that you have a strong memory, and this comes gradually by adjusting your memories to the tasks of your day and completing them throughout the day.


2-Keep your mind active


It is preferable to keep your mind active all the time to improve memory, by developing mental skills, such as learning a new language, learning musical instruments, or playing new games that can keep your mind in an active state.


3- Exercising daily


Exercising regularly improves blood circulation very efficiently throughout the body. Try to exercise daily. You can start with 15 minutes a day.


4- Get enough sleep


Getting an adequate amount of sleep affects the mind’s ability to remember information. According to a study conducted by the University of Michigan, they found that during sleep, the brain processes information in the subconscious mind, which improves memory ability after waking up.


5- Eat plenty of foods that contain Omega 3


Foods that contain Omega-3 reduce the risk of aging and memory problems. As a recent study at the University of California explained, they discovered that participants who regularly ate foods that contain Omega-3 had lower levels of beta-amyloid in the blood. There are many… Studies suspect that it is responsible for the destruction of brain cells that lead to Alzheimer’s.




Caffeine can improve mental performance and memory because it stimulates several areas of the brain that regulate alertness, arousal, mood and focus. Researchers at the University of Arizona found that older adults who drank a pint of coffee before a memory test experienced a significant improvement in performance compared to those who drank a pint of coffee before a memory test. They drink decaf coffee.




A medical study revealed that chewing gum makes people smarter due to its positive effects on cognitive tasks such as thinking and memory, as they recall more words and perform better on memory tests.


Some researchers believe that improved performance on memory tests may be due to an increase in heart rate that accompanies an increase in the level of insulin flowing to the brain, thus improving the level of oxygen and glucose heading to the brain enough to improve cognitive function.


8-Vitamin B


People whose diet contains a lot of foods containing vitamin B score higher on exams that test the mind and reduce the incidence of memory diseases.


9- Foods that help stimulate and strengthen memory


You can eat a lot of these foods (berries – red onions – nuts – eggplant – rosemary – apples – tomatoes).


10- Stay away from stress


Extreme daily stress and anger affect health and cause heart and arterial diseases, so try to relax and practice yoga exercises regularly or other various exercises.

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