10 DIY beauty tips you can prepare at home


Whipped Body butter.

DIY body whipped cream is simple and easy to prepare at home. You only need to have both the ingredients and equipment available to you.

Equipment needed while making any DIY whipped cream is almost the same, you need

1. A hand mixer.

2. Stove/cooker or any means of fire.

3. Large and a small bowl.

4. Measuring cup.

5. Glass jar with a lid.

6. Refrigerator if required.

10 DIY beauty tips you can prepare at home

In the absence of a hand mixer, you can use a big spoon, but you need to be patient while mixing.

Now let me give you 4 simple recipes for making whipped body cream.


Whopped body cream you need to try at home.

1. Shea Butter body butter.


1 cup (0.24 l) Shea butter.

½ cup of coconut oil

½ cup of Almond oil

5 drops of essential oils.


1. Get a large bowl and add water inside.

2. Combine Shea butter, coconut oil, and almond oil in another bowl.

3. Boil the water and place that your bowl that contains the oils.

4. Stair the oils until they are melted.

5. Remove the mix from the boiling water, add essential oil, and let the mixture cool.

6. Use a hand mixer to whip them until creamy.

7. Transfer in a glass jar and cover with a lid.

8. Apply after a shower and before you go to bed.

2. Cocoa whipped body butter.


½ cup of cocoa butter.

¼ cup of coconut oil.

10 drops of jojoba oil.

Vanilla extract.


1. Put cocoa butter and coconut oil in a bowl and place the bowl in boiling water (double boiler method)

2. Stir the oils until all the oil completely melts.

3. Remove the mixture from the water and add jojoba oil.

4. Stir and add vanilla extract.

5. Allow it to cool down until it turns into a solid-state.

6. Use a hand mixer and mix until creamy.

7. Your body butter is ready now.

8. Apply after shower, day and night.

2 different anti aging night creams

3. Coconut Oil whipped body cream.


1 cup (0.24 l) coconut oil.

¼ cup olive oil.

10 drops of lavender oil or any essential oils you desire.


1. Use a double boiler method to melt coconut oil but if you are in the area that causes the coconut oil to melt on its own you can just pour it in a container.

2. Add olive oil and essential oil, then stir well.

3. Allow the mix to turn back into a solid-state. You can refrigerate the mixture because if the weather is too hot, it can not allow the mixture to become solid.

4. Use a hand mixer and mix well until creamy.

5. Store in a glass jar and apply every day.

4. Mixed oils whipped body butter.

As I am researching I come across this recipe from the coconutmama I tried it and I got an excellent result, exquisite butter. See the recipes below.


¼ cup of coconut oil.

¼ cup shea butter

¼ cup of Cocoa butter

Few drops of almond oil.

10 drops of jojoba oil.

2 teaspoons of Arrowroot powder

15 drops of peppermint oil.


1. In a glass bowl, add all the oils and arrowroot powder together except peppermint oil.

2. Use double boiler methods to melt them on low heat.

3. Remove from the fire and allow cooling. Refrigerate if you are in a hurry.

4. Use a hand mixer to whip the oils until fluffy.

5. Add peppermint oil (or any essential oils you desire, you can mix two different essential oils), and whip again.

6. Store in a glass jar and apply every day.


1. Allow your mixture to cool down until it becomes partially solid or solid.

2. You can add any essential oil you desired or even mix two.

3. While melting your ingredients use a low flame to avoid losing some nutrients.

4. If your cream is too soft at room temperature, you can store it in a refrigerator.

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