
Women who give birth small are prone to fertility problems

Women who give birth small are prone to fertility problems

A new study finds that women who are born small or underweight may have a twofold increase in the risk of fertility problems.

And the American “Health Day News” website stated that researchers at the Swedish “Linköping University” looked at the cases of more than 1,200 Swedish women born in 1973 or later who underwent fertility treatments with their men between 2005 and 2010.

Fertility problems appeared in 38.5% of cases; Approximately 27% of cases relate to the partner alone, and 7% to the two partners together. Doctors could not explain fertility problems in 28% of cases. Among women who suffer from fertility problems, less than approximately 4% of women were born prematurely, the same percentage was born with a weight less than normal, and about 6% were born very small in size.

Scientists found that women with fertility problems were 2.5 times more likely to be born with a lower than normal weight compared to women whose fertility problems are related to men. The researcher in charge of the study, Josephine Wikström, said that the link between infertility and low birth weight or small size at birth still requires further research.

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